«Energostееl» was presented at the 8th Mining, MiningMachines&Equipment, ConstructionVehiclesFair or MiningTurkey 2018, which was held from December 13 to 16, 2018 in Istanbul, Turkey, represented by our long-time partners, PROSES MUHENDISLIK DANISMANLIK INSAAT VE TASARIM A.S. This exhibition helps the mining sector to receive effective, competitive and sustainable marketing assistance, develop business and make new links. We express our deep gratitude to our partners, PROSES MUHENDISLIK DANISMANLIK INSAAT VE TASARIM A.S.for the quality presentation of our company and our products at this exhibition.
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As it was published earlier in the article “Key differences between ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9001:2008”, on September 15th, 2018, there was introduced the new standard DSTU ISO 9001:2015 replacing the old DSTU ISO 9001:2009. At Energosteel, the transition process to the revised standard was launched in February 2018. The transition plan was divided into three stages: Reviewing DSTU ISO 9001:2015 and making the summary of changes between 2008 and 2015 versions of the standard Developing a primary quality control document, which is the Quality Management Policy, in accordance with DSTU ISO 9001:2015 Introducing the new quality standard and conducting training for employees At the beginning of September 2018, a state company Kharkivstandartmetrologiya conducted a recertification audit for Energosteel Plant LLC and, as a result, issued a certificate # UA 8О072.33671383.1-2018, dd September 14th, 2018. The given certificate confirms that Energosteel’s quality management system meets the requirements of DSTU ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management System”. Thus, Energosteel may be proudly called a reliable international supplier of high quality grinding media.
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In October 2018 representatives of Energosteel company visited our long-term partners in Romania. Romanian market is interesting for our company, because there are many construction enterprises, which specialized on aerated concrete production, as well as several companies of mine industry there. Our first delivery to Romania was made in 2013. 5 years later, we achieved stable monthly shipments. That fact characterized Energosteel company as reliable partner, who supply quality product. The main purpose of the business trip was to identify requests and wishes of our clients, as well as to discuss ways and methods of improving our collaboration. The same visits representatives of Energosteel company usually try to make once a year in all directions, in order to improve quality of our company work and be correspond to growing needs of our clients. Being in step with the times, expanding our capabilities, perfecting our work and not standing still are important principles of the Energosteel work.
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Last week we received a very pleasant visit of our partner who is represent one of the world’s largest holdings in the sector of supplying products from the chemical and metallurgical industry to mining and metallurgical enterprises.This company operates a global network with more than 530 locations in 73 countries. We started our cooperation with them in 2015 and by the help of them have successfully increased our sales at Scandinavian market. During the factory tour our guest learned about our production processes and quality control methods. Representative of the company also visited our own storage facilities of finished-products and raw materials. Our production director showed him the new production line and impact drop machine. This event also was an opportunity to negotiate our current work and future growth plans. We are delighted that our customer has visited our operations, to see for himselves how we provide the consistent quality of our products. The feedback from the guest has been consistently enthusiastic and positive. I hope we may continue to strengthen the partnership and cooperation between us in a future.
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As it is known, ISO 9001 is one of the international standards issued by the International Organization for Standardization that sets requirements for the enterprise quality management systems. In Ukraine, this standard is called DSTU ISO 9001 “Quality Management System” and is, in fact, a copy of the international standard. Today, a certified ISO 9001 quality management system is one of the essential requirements for products delivery to final consumers, in particular internationally. The functioning ISO 9001 quality management system immediately characterizes a supplier as a reliable business partner. Until recently, in Ukraine, there was applied DSTU ISO 9001:2008 standard. However, starting September 15th, 2018, DSTU ISO 9001:2015 standard has come into force. What are the key differences between the new and the old standard? In ISO 9001:2015, the standards structure and terms are adjusted for better compatibility with the other management systems. There is no binding requirement in regard to the terms used by an enterprise to correspond to the terms in ISO 9001:2015. Now, organizations are free to decide whether they find it necessary to document policies for various types of activities and to choose the form of documentation. However, organizations are required to argue why some activities […]
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More than once, we have mentioned that Energosteel specialists come into regular contact with various research organizations. These research institutions specifically specialize in grinding various materials. Hence, while selecting valuable information for our readers, we came across a research report presented at the Belgorod cement conference in 2012. The research was aimed at developing methods of mill loading with grinding balls that would provide the finest grinding without loss or increase in mill’s output while maintaining the grinding quality. As is generally known, the effect of the grinding balls on the material to be ground is carried out via a shock compression impulse (SCI). The SCI value could be quantitatively expressed by means of the ratio between the mass of the grinding media in the mill and the mass of the concurrently ground material. This ratio can be determined by the following formula: where: mg.b.– the mass of the grinding balls, kg; mc.g.m. – the mass of the concurrently ground material, kg; The picture shows the balls distribution in the mill under normal load. With such laying out of the balls of the same diameter, the volume is distributed as follows: 52% goes to grinding balls, 48% is a void […]
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The grinding process is the most energy-intensive part of the production chain for all enterprises. In this regard, each enterprise seeks to lower grinding costs by installing high-capacity ball mills (taking into account plants’ working areas). The grinding capacity of a mill is directly related to its geometrical dimensions. As larger the volume of the mill is, as greater its productivity should be. The largest mills have proven to be used at ore-processing plants. The largest mill seen by Energosteel’s specialists was the first-stage grinder at one of the Russian ore-processing plants. It was 5,500×6,500 in size and had a working load of 270 tons of grinding balls. Recently, an ore-processing plant located in Kazakhstan broke all the records. This plant’s ball mills are really huge. The plant’s enrichment scheme includes two types of grinding mills – a SAG mill (semi-self-grinding) and a BALL mill (ball grinding). The semi-self-grinding mill (SAG) is 12.192 m in diameter and 7.01 m in length. Its capacity 898 cubic meters. The operating load is 626 tons. The mill is fed 125 mm grinding balls. The ball mill (BALL grinding) is 8.34 m in diameter and 13.26 m in length. Its capacity 782.06 cubic meters. […]
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Yesterday, on Oct 2rd, 2018, we were pleased to meet our partners from Belgium and Ghana. We started our cooperation back in February 2018 and we may call it a success, since we have supplied our partners with more than 3 thousand tons of product. During the meeting we discussed the prospects for further cooperation and expanding our presence on the African market. Currently, Energosteel grinding balls are used in four countries of North Africa: Ghana, Burkina Faso, Benin, and Togo. Many thanks to our partners for the visit. We hope that in 2019 the number of mines and countries that use our grinding media will at the very least double!
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More photos at photo gallery EBA Global Outlook 2018 event, organized by the European Business Association was held on 18th of September. During the meeting, speakers and members of the business association discussed forecasts and prospects for business development in Ukraine for the next six months. Representatives of Energosteel company, as members of EBA, have listened opinions from the leading experts of different segment of economic, as well as have asked several burning questions concerning production to the high-ranking representatives of the business elite of Ukraine.
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There are several methods for volumetric hardness measurement of grinding balls. The method for hardenability determining, namely, the method of end hardening with a hardness measurement interval from 1.5mm to 3mm (GOST 5657-69) takes as the basis of all methods. Hardenability – the steel ability of tempering at a certain depth from the surface to the center. We will consider the 4 most common methods for the volumetric hardness measurement of grinding balls in this article: 1. The method of volumetric hardness determination proposed in DSTU 3499-97 / DSTU 8538: 2015. This method consists of hardness measurement at all radius parts of grinding balls, averaging the values and determining the hardness by the formula: VH= 0,289 Тsurf+ 0,436 Т0,25 + 0,203Т0,5 + 0,063Т0,75 + 0,009 Тc Where: VH – volumetric hardness of grinding balls; Тsurf – surface hardness of grinding balls; Т0,25 – hardness at 0,25 of the radius depth; Т0,5 – hardness at 0,5 of the radius depth; Т0,75 – hardness at 0,75 of the radius depth; Тc – hardness at center of grinding ball; The hardness measurement scheme 2. The second method of volumetric hardness measurement used in Bulgaria. Measurement and calculation takes place by zones (4 zones correspond to radius parts as at DSTU 3499-97 […]
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More photos at photo gallery Energosteel Company has well known with Poland market since November 2008. We have supplied more than 10 000 tones of grinding balls at this market since that time. However, we didn’t fully understand the work specifics with customers, despite the long cooperation history with these market’s enterprises. That’s why, as well as, having a big desire to expand our presence in Polish market, Energosteel Company delegation visited a key grinding balls consumers in July 2018. Our delegation has visited the mining and metallurgical complex enterprises, the construction industry enterprises, as well as several grinding balls distributors. All meetings had a constructive nature. We had seen a big interest by customers in cooperation with grinding balls manufacturer. That’s why we, as partner, need to introduce shipment innovations for this country. We are not afraid the difficulties and focused on a result. We hope the quantity of our customers will increase soon.
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We mentioned repeatedly that Energosteel Company conducts constant marketing monitoring of grinding balls market. Lately there was an increase in instances of procurement of grinding balls of unknown origin that do not have necessary quality certificates. There were also occurrences when supplied product does have support documentation but it is falsified. As a rule, the balls in question are of very poor quality. Using those balls leads to the following consequences: occurrence of breakage of grinding media, uneven wear; raising of grinding media consumption rate; additional purchasing of grind media; decline in quality of grinding, reduction of grinding mill productivity; choking off the grates installed inside the grinding mill, by scrap from the broken ball; metal particles insertion into of the end product of grinding operation; damage to the technical equipment (pipes, pumps, sumps etc.); increased energy consumption for milling 1 ton of materials; ball mill downtime increase for emergency repair work etc. The situation at hand could happen even with a ball bought from a manufacturer (or its official distributor) and has all necessary quality certificates. But in the case when you are working directly with grinding media manufacturer (or its official distributor) you always can submit a claim […]
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Горно-обогатительный комбинат или сокращенно ГОК Современный горно-обогатительный комбинат представляет собой предприятие с замкнутым циклом добычи и переработки полезных ископаемых в твердом состоянии. Размещение в едином комплексе производственных структур, занимающихся извлечением рудного материала, последующей работой по созданию фракции нужных габаритов и обогащением стало необходимым из-за интенсивной разработки наиболее перспективных залежей с максимальным процентом полезных минералов. ГОК давно стал оптимальным инструментом для решения задач переработки ископаемых с целью повысить в них процентное содержание необходимых элементов. Обогатительный комбинат – главные подразделения В состав ГОКа входят несколько основных структур. 1.Участок добычи руды Процесс вскрытия пластов, содержащих полезные ископаемые или подземные выработки обеспечивают всю технологическую цепочку необходимым сырьем. 2.Транспортный цех Важнейшая артерия вывоза руды с места добычи на фабрики. ГОКи используют все виды транспорта в зависимости от специфики конкретного технологического процесса. Данная структура способствует снабжению участков измельчения, своевременно поставляя на них необходимые комплектующие и расходные материалы, в том числе и мелющие тела, для бесперебойной работы. 3.Фабрики обогащения и окомкования Здесь происходит первичная переработка и процесс получения обогащенного концентрата. Для достижения максимальной эффективности, важнейшим звеном являются участки шаровых мельниц, в которых при помощи помольных шаров материал измельчается до необходимой фракции. Многие горно-обогатительные комбинаты имеют в своей структуре фабрики окомкования. Здесь происходит ряд операций для образования окатышей […]
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Разрушение зерен исходной руды и их дальнейшее измельчение – главная задача, которая решается при помощи специального оборудования. Каждый ГОК имеет участок измельчения, где происходит окончательный помол руды в шаровых мельницах после предварительного дробления. Мелющие шары “превращают” поступившее сырье в промпродукт (концентрат) с оптимальными параметрами для дальнейшего обогащения. Барабанные модификации мельниц Такие агрегаты широко распространены на предприятиях горнорудного комплекса. Применяемые в них помольные тела позволяют добиться размера частиц меньше десятых долей миллиметра. При этом стоит отметить значительную энергоемкость барабанных конструкций. Горно-обогатительный комбинат отличается четко отлаженной структурой по разделению всех составляющих технологического процесса. Мельницы представляют в этой цепочке очень важное звено. В общих чертах принцип работы подобного оборудования выглядит так: полый барабан начинает вращаться методом передачи ему вращения через промежуточный вал от двигателя; в приемную часть поступает исходный материал; находящиеся внутри цилиндра мелющие тела в результате перемещения и падения с высоты разрушают частицы руды или другого компонента; находящиеся на патрубке выгрузки спирали отбирают измельченный до требуемых размеров материал, который поступает на дальнейшие узлы технологической цепи. Особенности барабанных мельниц Все ГОКи оборудованы двумя видами агрегатов в зависимости от конструкции опорного устройства: С опирающимися на подшипники скольжения пустотелыми цапфами. Правильная шабровка бобита, залитого на вкладыше, обеспечивает длительный и безаварийный срок службы. С опорой барабана […]
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It is generally accepted the harder grinding balls are better grinding balls. This is true in most cases, as a rule. However, sometimes there are situations when it’s necessary to use softer grinding balls for the material grinding (for example, grinding balls with surface hardness 48-50HRC). This depends on the material grinding hardness, the armor condition and armor quality, in most cases. It is worth paying attention to one nuance: the existing regulatory documents for grinding balls (GOST 7524-2015 and DSTU 8538-2015) during ordering and buying such grinding balls. These documents regulate only the lower limit hardness range for each hardness group, i.e. grinding balls should have hardness not less than a certain value (this value is own for each hardness group). Here you can see the current standards for steel grinding balls. The hardness range upper limit is not controlled. Therefore, during buying grinding balls with the second hardness group or with surface hardness at least 49HRC, you can get the grinding balls with surface hardness higher than that expected (for example, 65HRC). You will not be able to raise a claim to supplier after receiving such grinding balls because manufacturer didn’t violate the requirements of DSTU and GOST […]
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Why do we need standards? If there are no standards for the products production then will be chaos in the country, because each enterprise of every industry will produce products not guided by the quality and consumers requirements. The general interstate standards GOSTs operated earlier in Ukraine (firsts of them approved in 1940-th). Ukraine became its independent in 1991 and there was a need in own state standards – DSTU (“State Standards of Ukraine”). The above mentioned standard entitles to control the products quality on the country territory and in case of non-compliance – strictly punish. Ukraine has began to develop DSTU for products and requirements, norms and rules, terms, concepts and designations, technology and production, standards for the interconnection and joining various science and culture fields since 1993. The DSTU establishment provided by specially created standardization committees (Technical Committees (TC)). Technical Committees consist of researchers (including candidates of technical sciences, doctors, academicians, professors, etc.), departments and ministries, standardization members, organizations competent in a certain industry and having a scientific and technical potential. The national standards of Ukraine creating principle described in DSTU 1.2:2003 “National standardization. Rules for the national regulations development” DSTU development and introduction provided according to the […]
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The fineness grinding (the grinding quality) depends on the ratio the grinding media surface area (S) to grinding media volume (V). The greater this ratio value means the greater fineness grinding, i.e. more qualitatively grinding. The following table summarizes all physical and geometrical data of the most commonly used grinding media. Grinding media size, mm Grinding media mass, kg Surface area, sq.mm Volume, cmm The ratio of surface area to volume Grinding media quantity in one cubic meter The 100mm steel grinding ball 4,620 31 400 522 025 0,060 1 532 The 90mm steel grinding ball 3,410 25 434 380 556 0,067 2 102 The 80mm steel grinding ball 2,350 20 096 267 277 0,075 2 993 The 70mm steel grinding ball 1,600 15 386 179 055 0,086 4 468 The 60mm steel grinding ball 0,980 11 304 112 757 0,100 7 095 The 50mm steel grinding ball 0,580 7 850 65 253 0,120 12 260 The 40mm steel grinding ball 0,294 5 024 33 410 0,150 23 945 The 30mm steel grinding ball 0,128 2 826 14 095 0,201 56 759 The 25mm steel grinding ball 0,064 1 963 8 157 0,241 98 080 The 20mm steel grinding ball […]
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Two types of grinding media: the steel grinding balls and cast-iron cylpebs used as a grinding media, in most cases, at the middle of the last century. The grinding balls with large diameters have used for coarse grinding, and the cylpebs have used for fine grinding. This situation has been caused by the limited technological possibilities of grinding media (grinding balls) production. The 40mm steel grinding balls has been the smallest produced size. These grinding balls use has been not sufficient to achieve the required grinding fineness with fine grinding. Purchase the grinding balls with smaller diameters has been impossible in abroad. In connection with this, the 27x32mm, 28x28mm and 35x35mm cast iron cylpebs have become widespread. Their production doesn’t require any innovations in the casting industry, both in sand molds and in chill molds. Main defect such grinding media: a very high level of specific consumption, uneven abrasion (cylpebs wear to triangle), gates presence. However, nobody paid attention to this in the planned economy. In addition to high specific consumption and uneven abrasion, cylpebs didn’t guarantee the necessary grinding fineness. Already at that time, the grinding balls with small diameters to obtain fine grinding had widely used abroad. The […]
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The Interdepartmental Commission on International Trade (ICIT) has considered the appeal of РJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” to conduct a special investigation into the import the rebar and wire rod into Ukraine from the Russian Federation. Upon review of this treatment, ICIT adopted to impose a final anti-dumping duty in the amount of 15.21% on 6-40 mm rebar (inclusive) and the 5.5-14 mm wire rod (inclusive), imported from the Russian Federation on 28th December 2017. These products can be classified in accordance with the Ukrainian Classification of Goods for Foreign Economic Activities (UCGFEA) on codes: 7213 10 00 00, 7213 91 10 00, 7213 91 20 00, 7213 91 41 00, 7213 91 49 00, 7213 91 70 00, 7213 91 90 00, 7213 99 10 00, 7213 99 90 00, 7214 20 00 00, 7214 99 10 00, 7214 99 39 00, 7214 99 50 00, 7214 99 79 00, 7214 99 95 00, 7227 20 00 00, 7227 90 10 00, 7227 90 50 00, 7227 90 95 00, 7228 20 91 00, 7228 20 99 00, 7228 30 20 00, 7228 30 69 00, 7228 30 89 00. However, these codes have a fairly wide application and in […]
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