We have considered the falling dart test on JKMRC method needed for energy index calculating and is used to plan production capacities during the material’s grinding in an earlier article. The SMC method is a simplified falling load test that was developed in 2004. This test is carried out on the same equipment as the JKDWT test. The ability to test on one size type of the test material makes it less labor intensive and more applicable for the field development. For the test it is recommended to use a sample of particles with a particle size of -31.5 26.5 mm. Therefore, the calibration coefficient between the values of the two tests approaches one (A * b = 1). The result of the SMC test is the falling load index DWi, which is measured in kW * h / m3 and is calculated according to the formula: where: ρ is the average density of the test ore; A*b is the value of the combined parameter. Thereafter, the energy indexes of related equipment are determined and specific energy consumption of the ore preparation technological cycles are calculated using a statistical analysis of the available database compiled from the results of the […]
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It is no secret for many of our regular readers that one of the main advantages of cooperation with us is comprehensive 24/7 technical support regarding the use of our steel grinding balls. Despite this, we want to share this benefit with our new customers and website visitors. According to our clients’ numerous positive responses, we can safely say that we are on the right track. Energosteel specialists provide technical support to enterpriser consumers of steel grinding balls of various industries intertwine and conducts the selection of grinding balls assortment for further loading into the mill every day. Technical support department determines the weighted average diameter of grinding media into the ball mill and develops the recommendations regarding to the diameter variations of grinding balls in order to improve grinding equipment performance. What does the consumer get? Flow rates are declining significantly. Costs for the raw materials’ purchase are reducing. Cost of production is decreasing. The quality of the finished product is improving. In addition, technical support department provides qualified assistance in resolving issues regarding grinding technologies. Thus, the high level of interaction with our customers, typical for Energosteel, is a guarantee that your expectations regarding the grinding balls quality […]
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Different methods of calculation energy indexes required to choose grinding equipment have been considered on our articles last time. They are all classical, because its basic tenets have been announced in the 1950s. Falling dart test on JKMRC method has been developed at the Australian Research Centre JKMC in the 1990s. The ore durability is characterised by two types of crushed: the blow and the self-abrasion. This methodology includes single crushing of pieces through the impact load. The construction has wide range of the action energy, allowing for resistance determining of the material destruction at different energy levels. Particle size is divided into five ranges (-63+53, -45+37,5, -31,5+26,5, -22,4+19, -16+13,2 mm). Selected pieces are collected in dedicated sets for the consistent destruction. The parameters showing the durability of the test material regarding the impact – A and b (statistical record is A*b) and also parameter t10 showing the granulometric composition of the material under specific energy destruction (ECS) are the results of this test. The equation to determine the parameter A*b is as follows: t10=A*(1-e-bEcs) This methodology also provides the self-abrasion test of the ore particles in the laboratory mill 300 х 300 mm. The weight consists of a preliminary […]
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Let’s consider one more index that measures the physical-mechanical parameters of material that is planned to grind in ball mill. The abrasiveness index is addressed in this article. This index is necessary to forecast the speed of metal abrasion into the milling drum of the ball mill: grinding media, lining, pin etc. Material abrasiveness depends on specific conditions of the interaction between the material pieces and the metal in the grinding process. In determining abrasiveness index in laboratory conditions, it’s very important to follow all technological parameters of grinding chain. There are material selection, that is planned to grind, the parameters of water, rotational speed of drum, steel mark, the metal elements from which will interact with material. Let’s consider the standard valuation methodology. The installation, which consist of the rotating drum, is used. The dry material samples in size -19+12,7 mm and steel plate enshrining onto the shaft are loaded into the drum. The time it takes for test is 15 minutes and more. The abrasiveness index is calculated upon the formula: where m1 and m2 – the pre-test and post-test mass of steel plate, g; m1r и m2r – the pre-test and post-test mass of steel plate with […]
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You have read about grinding rate (G) a lot of time in our recent publications. Let’s try to figure out what that is and what factors can affect it. Grindability of a material is its capability for destruction in the ball mills. It is very important to understand clearly, which material will be crashed and which grinding requirements will be needed when planning of grinding process. With regard to the grinding requirements, it is simple in most cases: the thinner the grinding, the better. Grindability of the material depends on its specific physic-mechanical properties. The following method can be used for laboratory determination of shredding. The material sampling is crashed to 6 – 0 mm in size under constant conditions. The analysis of grinding results is conducted at regular intervals. The material is forced through a standard set of sieves (0300; 0200; 0150; 0100; 0074). The data obtained (time of grinding, sieve residue) shall be entered into the special table. As a rule, the requirement of 10 % sieve residue is consider as grinding standard. In such a case, the grindability to the largeness of 10 % sieve residue can be calculated as unit specific performance using the following equation: […]
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Energosteel Company strengthens its presence on the world stage by opening representative offices in key markets. To ensure sustainable growth, the company continues to focus not only on developed and mature markets, but also on the emerging markets of Asia, Central America and Eastern Europe. Thus, in confirmation of their intentions, in March 2020, partnership negotiations were held with representatives of Tarak Global Enterprises (India) as a result of which a new Energosteel representative office was opened in India. In its efforts to achieve only the best results, Energosteel makes every effort to work out and develop a technological process for the production of grinding balls, improving technical qualities and reflecting the unique identity of the company. In addition, by focusing on the new production line, Energosteel will be able to strengthen its position in export markets in a more pronounced way in future.
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The F. Bond ball mill We continue to consider the methods of grinding process planning based on the calculations of different energy indexes. In this article, we are going to consider the methodology for calculating index, which has a direct impact on the choice of SAG mills when engineering the grinding process. ВWi is the ball grinding work index. It is used to calculate the energy input (kW*h/t), that is needed to grind one ton of material of certain size (F100) in ball mill (D= 2,4 m) being in closed cycle with circulating loading 250 %. The formula for calculation the ВWi index is as follows: Where G is material grindability at the ball mill (g/r); F80 and Р80 – the mesh size whereby 80% of material is sieved in starting material and industrial product, respectively. There is usually a weight (15-20 kg) on 3,35 mm size to conduct the laboratory test. The material is grinded in the laboratory ball mill (305 х 305 mm) by dry method (without adding water). The weight of loaded grinding balls is 20-21 kg. The grinding balls selecting should to consist of grinding balls of different diameter to achieve the most accurate data. In that way, […]
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Despite the current difficult world situation, Energosteel Company is continuing its work on the upgrading grinding process at its customers’ enterprises. Thus, the industrial tests of Energosteel’s production grinding balls began in early March 2020, at the largest mining and processing plant in Georgia. Specific nature of the tests was as follows: the substitution of steel grinding balls used earlier must be pursued simultaneously into all nine ball mills working in the first and second grinding phase. The steel grinding balls 100 mm and 60 mm in diameter and 60 HRC used earlier according to the DSTU 8538-2015. The steel grinding balls 100 mm and 60 mm in diameter and 65 HRC were delivered as a pilot batch (according to the DSTU 8538-2015.). This is our first industrial test of high hardness grinding balls of large diameters. Therefore, our representative was on the scene of experimentation. We have done the following: The visual inspection and the measurement of mill occupancy rate was conducted. The all technical and technological specifications of mill performance were collected and analyzed. The Methodology for conducting tests was developed. The loading of test grinding balls into all mills was carried out. Re-inspection of several mills was […]
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The F. Bond rod mill Currently, the use of grinding rods is not very widespread among the Ukrainian producers. Still, this type of grinding media is used and we consider it appropriate to consider the F. Bond calculation, which we are talking about in series of articles. RWi is the rods grinding work index. It is applied for the energy input calculation (kW*h/t), that is needed to grind one ton of material in the rod mill. Rod mills are used in the grinding of material (on the whole, the ore), the size of which is -13,2 +3,2 mm. In practice, this method is applied for the energy input calculation to engineer first grinding stage in the ball mills at the ore mining and processing enterprises. The formula used for calculation the RWi index is as follows: where D is the size hole of classification sieve (µm); Gc – material grindability at the rod mill (g/r); F80 and Р80 – the mesh size whereby 80% of material is sieved in starting material and industrial product, respectively. Grindability (Gc) means the quantity of sieved material, that is reseived during one rotation of the F. Bond mill. As in crush process engineering, the […]
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We’ve been waiting for this film for a long time. And today, we are pleased to share it with all of you!!! Are you intrigued? We are glad to present you the movie about our company. Hurry and hit the «PLAY» and plunge into the atmosphere in Energosteel style.
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The F. Bond Pendulum crusher Carring on with a theme that we’ve already touched in the previous publication, we will consider the methodology of the F. Bond index calculating. As you know, there are three calculation methods. The method selection depends on the crushing/grinding stage (the power size and the necessary finished class). The crushing work index (CWi) is an indicator characterizing the energy amount (kW * h / t) needed to destroy single pieces of material with a relatively large size range (-75 + 50mm). The impact on such material generally is provided by using impact energy (crushing process), that is formed by collision of two oncoming pendulums. The difficulty in calculating the CWi index is that each single piece of material (depending on its size) has its own specific fracture energy index. Therefore, the general index CWi is no more than the average of separately calculated indices. The greater number of destroyed pieces of material, the more accurate the final calculations. Calculations are made for 20-30 pieces generally. The piece sizes are included in the previously indicated range. where n – is the number of test samples (not less than 20 pcs.). The formula for calculating the CWi […]
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The nominal UAH revaluation in 2019 triggered a vigorous debate among stakeholders on the effect of currency appreciation on the economy. Therefore the ENERGOSTEEL Company representatives took part in the EVA event “Volatile currency exchange rate: how to mitigate the risks?” in February 2020. The key challenges and opportunities of this situation have been considered and provided a forum for further discussion with market players during the expert discussion. The debate revealed the arguments of NBU Board, Government, exporting and importing business as well as domestic manufacturers. ENERGOSTEEL Company thanks to EBA for the excellent organization of the event, the interesting presentation of information and answers to pressing questions.
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The standard DSTU 8538: 2015 “Steel grinding balls for ball mills” was put at 01.07.2016 and is the main regulatory document governs the quality of our products. Earlier we wrote about the standard DSTU 8538: 2015 here, here and here. This article will discuss what changes have been made to the standard for 3 years from the date of its operation. The first “amendment” to DSTU 8538: 2015 appeared in 2016, a typo was corrected in it as an example of the balls symbol in paragraph 4.2, where there was originally a link to the old DSTU 3499-97. The State Enterprise “UkrNIUTS” by Decree No. 141 of 08/08/2017 was amended by amendment No. 1 from 08/15/2017. In this change, typos are again removed in clause 4.2. and made changes to clause 5.1.4 table 2 note 3. Previously, the note looked like this: “The same determination method shall be applied during the hardness control by the manufacturer and the consumer” Taking into account the changes made, it now looks like this: “In the case of the hardness control the grinding balls, the consumer must apply the same method by which the manufacturer determined the hardness of the finished product.” We never […]
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Technical supervision of a certified quality management system in the steel grinding balls production for compliance to DSTU ISO 9001: 2015 “Quality Management System” was held at Energosteel Plant from November 2019 till January 2020 Recall, the ISO 9001: 2015 standard “Quality Management System” is the best-recognized safety mechanism in the world ensures the quality of products (steel grinding balls) at all stages of the production cycle and helps to increase the productivity of consumer enterprises. Technical supervision has been provided by the State Enterprise “Kharkivstandartmetrologiya”. Energosteel Plant, LLC confirmed the validity of certificate No.UA 8O072.33671383.1-2018 without comments and recommendations. Summing up, we would like to note, the regular conduct of such audits is one of the most important components of the Energosteel Company quality management system. The certificates obtained by us indicate the quality management system of our enterprise not only functions effectively but also is constantly checked, analyzed and improved.
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Last year, we affected one rather interesting topic – use of the energy indices in the grinding process design. We had planned to consider three calculation methods. Having studied this issue in more detail, we’ve decided to cover this topic in more detail. We will try to briefly, but as informative as possible, describe the methodology for providing the fifteen generally accepted laboratory tests types. All those methods based on the F. Bond works, who as early as the 1950s put forward his famous theory (in narrow circles it is called the “third theory”). F. Bond claimed, during the grinding process designing, it is necessary to calculate the specific energy spent on reducing the material initial particles size to the required size after grinding. General view of the Bond theory equation has the following form: Where: E is the specific energy of particle size reduction for 1 ton of material, kW * h / t; Wi – Bond’s working index; P_80 – the mill feed size, 80% passes the control sieve; F_80 – the product size at the output, 80% passes the control sieve. What does the term “F. Bond’s Working Index” mean? The “F. Bond’s Working Index” is a […]
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In January 2020 the testing laboratory of Energosteel Company expanded the scope of the measurements and added radiation control to own type of activity, as evidenced by Supplement No. 1 of January 24, 2020. to certificate No. 01-0043 / 2019. according to DSTU ISO10012: 2005 “Measurement management systems. Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment.” The audit has been conducted by the State Enterprise “Kharkiv Regional Scientific and Production Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification”. The process of implementing radiation monitoring took a long time from September 2019 to January 2020 and included the following stages: The study of regulatory documents governing this type of measurement in Ukraine Training and education of employees Instrument purchase for measurements and its verification Drafting instructions and methods for taking measurements. Radiation monitoring will allow Energosteel Company not only to accept the billet for the steel grinding balls production but also will guarantee our consumers that our products are explosion safe, chemically safe and radiation safe.
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January is the month of summing up the work done for the previous year. We would like to share the SEO-promotion results of our corporate website for 2019. The total traffic to our site increased by 23%, and the visitor’s quantity is over 40,000 users in 2019!! The top 10 popular site pages for the year look like this: About us The system of a ball mill Contacts Ukrainian mining & processing enterprises The material science and steels heat treatment. Investigation methods the metals and alloys structure Russian version of point 7. The operating principle of the ball mill Manufacturing News Producs In total for 2019, we published 57 articles available in 3 main languages – Ukrainian, Russian and English. The topics of our articles are company news, industrial test results, exhibitions, business trips, the geography of our grinding balls supplies, and a lot of useful information for all industry experts. Describing the results of the industrial tests in our articles, we have proved in practice a more efficient use the steel grinding balls as a grinding medium than cast iron alloyed with chromium cylpebs. Twice (!) in the last year. Links for article 1 and article 2 The top […]
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The Energosteel Company aimed not only at the highest quality steel grinding balls production but also tries to be as useful as possible for the client. That’s why, we launched a new service on our website – “Calculation Of The Filling Degree The Ball Mill with Grinding Media” Link to the service – https://energosteel.com/en/calculation-of-the-filling-degree-the-ball-mill-with-grinding-media/ You just need to fill out the form on the page and you guaranteed to receive an accurate calculation of the filling degree the ball mill with steel grinding balls from our technical support specialists in the shortest possible time.
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