More than 35 plants specializing in the production of aerated concrete blocks are among our customers. The geography of these enterprises is quite extensive – almost all the plants are in Ukraine, the CIS countries and the near and far abroad. The brief overview of the grinding process in the aerated concrete production has been published for our readers earlier. Energosteel specialists have analyzed the grinding balls shipments to customers specializing in the of aerated concrete production over the past four years in order to improve the Energosteel’s competitiveness in the grinding media market. The analysis revealed that in most cases the 40 mm grinding balls are used. Although there are clients that use the 30 mm grinding balls. There are also plants that use a 40mm/30mm mixture, but in this case the mixing ratio is different for each individual enterprise. The grinding technological conditions (the type of mills and armouring lining, parameters of grinding material and so on) are similar in all enterprises. To provide the necessary grinding fineness, you need to load the optimal 40mm and 30mm grinding balls ratio. This is, however, not always achieved. In this case 35 mm grinding balls is the ideal solution. Technical […]
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It’s no secret that raw material is one of the most important elements of production, which affects the technology and quality of finished products. The efficiency of the plant “Energosteel” depends on the supply of high-quality raw materials. That is why we are constantly expanding the range of raw material suppliers (hot rolled round bar) and carry out careful incoming inspection of the round bar. Because high-quality steel grinding balls that meet all technological standards and customer requirements, are obtained only from the high-quality raw materials. Thus, on May 7, 2019, a meeting between representatives of “Energosteel” company and a potential supplier of round bar 80 mm was held. The monthly round bar purchases reach up to 2,000 tons in our company. This metallurgical plant specializes in the production of high-quality alloyed types of steel. Following the negotiations, parties had reached an agreement on the supply of a test batch first of 200 tons in May this year. The development stages of further cooperation also were planned. We are confident that the agreements reached at the meeting will have positive results for both parties. “Energosteel” thanks the representatives of the plant for the warm welcome and friendly tone of the […]
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In 2017, we have published a whole series of articles in which we have described in detail the grinding ball testing procedure. In this article we will briefly list the main points that you should know and work out carefully before starting the tests. The tests are divided into three types: – laboratory tests are done in laboratory (small) mills. This tests results are used for scientific reasoning of conducting more extensive tests on the use of certain grinding media in industrial conditions. – semi-industrial tests are done in ball mills, whose size is closest to size of mills that used in a particular industry (the terms of using grinding balls are closest to operating conditions). Such tests are conducted on the test base of manufacturers of ball mills or grinding balls. – industrial trials are performed in the production conditions of a particular consumer. The industrial tests are divided into three groups depending on the kind: – tests by using ”marked grinding balls”; – tests conduction by the ”replacing grinding balls method”; – tests providing with a new grinding balls (the new grinding balls loaded into an empty test mill). Before the start of the test there is a […]
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Not so long ago in our publication we considered one of the methods for measuring quality of grinding material when using grinding balls. This indicator was based on the definition of “residue on the sieve “. In this article we will consider another method, which involves the calculation of the “specific surface area value”. Both of these indicators fully characterize the concept of ”grinding quality” and the grinding process optimality in ball mills. The specific surface, or specific surface area, is the total surface of all the crushed material (usually dispersed or porous ) particles divided by the mass of the test material. The material specific surface consists of the total surface areas of all its grains. The smaller the size of these grains (grinding is thinner), the greater the area of their total surface. If the particles of the crushed material have a developed porous surface, the surface area of a single grain gets bigger compared to its absolutely smooth analog, which is equal in geometrical parameters. The physical properties of the grinding material can be defined by the indicator of specific surface area (measured in cm2/cm3 or cm2/g). This indicator of grinding material is very important in the […]
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One of the key success factors of ”Energosteel” is our employees who share the corporate culture and values of the organization, are focused on results and are always open to new experiences. Despite the fact that ”Energostil” creates all comfortable conditions for professional development, our employees are taking their own initiatives in developing their professional skills. So, on April 06-07, the CEE2019 exhibition was held – the most large-scale annual exhibition of electronics, electrical engineering, toys, electric transport in Ukraine, which was visited by an IT specialist of the company “Energostil”. The exhibition brought together more than 200 leaders from various industries and business areas. Visitors to the exhibition had the opportunity to be exposed to technologies and test new (updated) information technology programmers products and business solutions for systemic integration. This knowledge is useful for each organization, irrespective of operational area, because new solutions allow to effectively manage business processes.
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The company Energosteel uses a round billet steel from alloyed steel grades according to specifications for the high-quality grinding balls production. There is a large number of different mechanical characteristics of the metal taken into account in the production of grinding balls. The process parameters of metal heat treatment are also important. The metal hardness measurement of finished products (steel grinding balls) is carried out more frequently than other tests, because this indicator is one of the main parameters for understanding the term ” grinding media quality “. Let’s consider the hardness definition features in more detail. The hardness is a resistance to surface deformation or destruction of the during the application of strong pressure. All methods of the materials hardness determining (grinding balls) can be divided into several main groups: Static methods are characterized in that the load gradually increases. The exposure time can vary – it varies from the features of the method used. Dynamic methods are characterized in that the load on the sample is supplied with a certain kinetic energy. At the same time, the hardness index is less accurate, because during a dynamic drop, a certain impact occurs due to the material elasticity. The results […]
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The right choice of grinding balls is the main factor that guarantees the achievement of maximum performance in the grinding process. There is a question: how to evaluate the grinding quality? There are several methods for determining this parameter. The most common and simplest method for determining grinding quality is ‘sieve residue’ calculation. The essence of the method is the determination of partial and full residues on standard sieves as a result of sieving the selected sample after the material grinding (for each case the set of sieves can differ, it depends on the grinding requirements according to the technological map of each enterprise). To determine the granulometric composition of the material, the sample is dried when grinding occurs in a wet environment. Consider a concrete example when the ground material is ordinary sand. Before sieving, weigh the sample and dry it. A set of sieves is prepared by placing sieves with larger openings above the sieves with smaller openings. The sieving consists of placing a sample onto a sieve with the largest diameter openings and agitating the sieve manually or mechanically. In our case, we will use sieves with the following opening sizes: 2.5 mm; 1.25 mm; 0.63 mm; […]
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On march 23, the working meeting between “Energosteel” representatives and our Belgian partners, with whom we have been cooperating for several years was held. During the cooperation we were able not only to achieve regular deliveries to them, but also to expand the sales geography and to gain new experience in logistics. The objectives of this meeting were the discussing of strategic issues of further cooperation, the expending of the sales markets for steel grinding balls (Africa, South America, Australia), and investments in common projects. Further plans of mutually beneficial cooperation in all directions were elaborated as a results of the negotiations. “Energosteel” thanks our partners for a warm and hospitable welcome, for goodwill and openness.
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Recently, TC Energosteel held a successful three-day meeting with partners from Turkey and Azerbaijan. The purpose of the visit of our partners was to familiarize with the system modernization of the main industrial equipment of TC Energosteel. During the meeting, the delegation visited our Plant, where it was noted that TC Energosteel is a dynamically developing enterprise focused on global business standards. Our partners have fully satisfied their interest in the work of the main production units of the Energosteel plant, laboratories, warehouses of raw material and finished products, logistic components. They also thanked the management and staff of the Energosteel group for providing prompt, high-quality technical support and expressed hope for further cooperation in this direction, beneficial for the development of both parties. We want to express our gratitude to our partners, for their faith in our company, for the time given to us, for the friendliness and open tone of the talks.
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On March 28, the informative and incredibly “tasty” closed meeting for members of the European Business Association was held. Company Energosteel thanks the European Business Association for organizing a non-standard and memorable meeting and hospitable Natalia Nevyadomskaya for the charming atmosphere of France and delicious crispy croissants. EBA GetInTouch is a “closed” meeting format that was created specifically to help Association members get to know each other. The participants of the meeting found warm acquaintances with representatives of various business areas in the cozy and inspiring atmosphere of France – at the Très Francais restaurant, which is located in the center of Kiev.
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The actor gets into character and the marketer – into the product. Olga Nesterenko Imperceptibly, marketing has permeated all areas of our life. It is difficult to imagine everyday life without choice whether the food or the vehicles, etc. The advertising of products, their popularity and recognition always influences this choice. What remains in the memory of the buyer? What keeps in the client’s subconscious? Why do we choose only one of the two manufacturers of the same product? The answer is simple – it is the brand. Experience has shown that traditional marketing has faded into the background recently. Empirical marketing comes to replace it. It is a new marketing direction, in which marketers focus on customer experiences, create a link between the brand and consumers. Energostil thanks the European Business Association for holding an informative lecture together with the NEBO ideas agency: ‘’Empirical marketing for brands with a character’’ that was held on 03/28/2019. Olga Nesterenko shared her experience and skills in the field of marketing with the audience. Energostil practices this type of marketing. Our company keeps a finger on the pulse and always knows what exactly the buyer needs by conducting continuous technical support for our […]
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The grinding process of the material directly depends on its hardness. Earlier we considered the classification of rocks hardness according to the Protodyakonov scale, where the hardness coefficient bases on the degree of material resistance to compression. There is also another method for determining material hardness – this is the Mohs scale of mineral hardness proposed by German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs in 1811. Many laboratories practice this method. Mohs hardness is the scratch resistance of material surface through the scratching it with another material. A hardness depends on the connectivity degree of the material`s atomic structure. A Mohs scale is a scale of reference minerals for assessing materials hardness by scratching. The scale is shown below. Mohs Hardness Scale Standard mineral Hardness Talc 1 Gypsum 2 Calcite 3 Fluorite 4 Apatite 5 Orthoclase 6 Quartz 7 Topaz 8 Corundum 9 Diamond 10 There are ten minerals on the Mohs scale, each of which has a specific coefficient of hardness. The hardness determination of other materials not represented on this scale is carried out using this set of reference materials by pressing them on the test material surface. If the reference material leaves a scratch on the test material surface, then […]
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Customer service represents the heart of a brand in the hearts of its customers. Kate Nasser, business trainer The People Skills Coach. One of the main Energosteel`s advantages is customer orientation. Our goal is to exceed the expectations of our customers and make them happy through deep understanding and satisfaction of their needs in steel grinding balls. We have implemented four client satisfaction elements in our work: perfect product, high-quality service, timeliness and effective problem solving process, loyal and flexible pricing. One of the main point of customer loyalty program are personal meetings.Annually specialists of company ‘Energosteel’ visit the factories of our partners in any part of the world overcoming significant distances. From February 19 to February 23, 2019, our employees met with partners in Armenia, a country rich in mineral deposits. There are also many mining and processing plants in Armenia, which makes this market very interesting. We have established ourselves as a reliable supplier of high-quality steel grinding balls in this challenging and interesting market. The sales department held meetings with our regular and potential clients, the purpose of which was to identify all customs needs and wishes. This information is very important for us because it acts […]
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Earlier we considered a mixture of which materials is used in cement production. The base of this mixture is a clinker. In this article, we will consider the composition of clinker and its impact on grinding balls deterioration in milling process. Clinker (in cement industry) is transitional product in cement production. Upon heating mixture obtained from limestone (about 75%) and clay (about 25%) partial melting occurs and clinker granules are formed. Clinker and gypsum (about 5 %) are mixed and finely milled to obtain cement. Gypsum control the setting properties of the cement. It can be partially replaced by other forms of calcium sulfate. Some technical conditions allow adding other materials. A typical clinker has an approximate composition: CaO -67%, SiO2 – 22%, Al2O3 – 5%, Fe2O3 – 3%, and 3% of other components. The base minerals contained in clinker: Alite (C3S = 3CaO*SiO2) is a soft material, Mohs hardness is 3.2–3.4, the mineral is very fragile and easily damaged. Belite (C2S = 2CaO*SiO2) is the second major mineral of Portland cement clinker, it characterized by a slow hardening, but provides achieving high strength during long solidification of Portland cement. Mohs hardness is 5-6. The more belite, the harder to […]
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Staff’s uninterrupted professional development is one of the main factors for successful development of our company and increasing staff motivation. Therefore, we create such working conditions in which every employee can develop as a professional. Energostil is interested in the development of all its employees and offers a range of professional development opportunities, including trainings conducted by the European Business Association (EBA). 01/22/2019 MS Excel – Everything you need to know for successful work with data was held, which was moderated by Vyacheslav Sirotkin, trainer and consultant of EY Academy of Business Ukraine. The marketing analyst of the company attended this training. It is very important for the company that all employees are focused on results and are always open to new knowledge and experience.
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The main materials used in cement production are minerals containing calcium oxide, silex, alumina and iron oxide. These components are rarely found in one type of raw material; therefore, for the cement production the raw mix is selected for the following components: CARBONATE COMPONENT (rich in calx) is contained in the raw mix in a quantity of 76-80%: Limestone. Mohs hardness is 1.8-3.0. The older the geological fraction, the firmer. One of the varieties of lime spar is marble. Unlike limestone, it has a looser, earthy structure; therefore, it refers to specifically designed raw materials for wet production. Chalk is soft raw material, it does not require crushing. Marl is a limestone with admixtures of silex and clay substances, as well as iron oxide.It is a transitional stage to clay. The hardness of marl is lower than the hardness of limestone The more clay substances, the lower its hardness. This is an excellent raw material for cement production. Each of these materials has different grinding coefficient. The higher grinding coefficient, the more grinding of this material. The grinding factors for base raw materials in cement production are given in table below. Grind material Grinding coefficient Rotary kiln clinker 1.00 Shaft […]
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More photos at photo gallery Energosteel Company and Georgia enterprises have a long cooperation history and memories of industrial facilities or manufacturing sites visits. In November 2018 Georgia met us with usual hospitality and friendliness. Since 2009, our company has represented in this market and continues to establish new relationships. During the trip, we visited the largest mining enterprise in Georgia and one of the largest in Transcaucasia. We had the opportunity to discuss current work, as well as future plans for the development of our cooperation. This company always seeks ways to improve the quality of their final products, and pioneers in the increasing of the hardness group of grinding media. Our team also held a few important negotiations with enterprises in construction sector. It is the good news that our effective techniques for ball loading into the mill developed by our Technical Sales Support Department together with leading research institutes are well proven in this industry. After the meeting, positive comments were received from all companies, who highly appreciated our technical support, as well as qualified assistance in the field of grinding media applications. We conducted with not only existing partners, but also found new ones, thanks to […]
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In the middle of 2017 one of our partners began a major industrial test to track changes of the technological parameters of the factory while decreasing the average diameter of the grinding balls used in ball mills. The first eight months-long stage was the transition from the using of 100mm ball in the mills of the first grinding stage to 80mm steel ball. In order to avoid distortion of the results, the chemical composition of the steel, from which the 80 mm balls were made, had to be completely identical to the previously used grinding balls of diameter 100mm. The hardness values should also be identical. The test was conducted by the method of substitution. After eight months all indicators of the tested mill were analyzed. The experiment showed the following results: – Reduction of grinding balls consumption rate by 5-6%; – Improving of grinding quality – the content of the finished product in the discharge of the mill of the first grinding stage increased on an average 12%. Based on this experiment, the plant’s management decided to refit all mills of the first grinding stage for using grinding balls 80mm. The next stage of this large-scale industrial test was […]
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