Energosteel. Grinding Media Ball Manufacturer.

Corrosion effect on grinding media wear

We present to your attention an article series devoted to the corrosive wear of steel grinding balls.

The grinding balls corrosion accelerated by the oxygen presence in the water. Moreover, a large oxygen concentration leads to a strong increase the medium corrosive activity. However, with a further increase in the oxygen content, the corrosion rate decreases as a result of passivation.

The corrosion rate, like any other chemical reaction, depends strongly on temperature. The grinding balls corrosion rate may increase by several orders if the temperature rises by 100 degrees. The grouts very intensively destroy the grinding media steel at low pH values (0-7), i.e. at hydrogen ions high concentration. The corrosion process of steel slow down at pH values greater than 9.

Ideally, the environment for the steel grinding balls operation in the mill should be with pH values greater than 9, without the free oxygen presence in water and with a temperature up to 50 degrees. Also, it is desirable to add inhibitors (substances retarding the corrosion process) to the medium