Energosteel. Grinding Media Ball Manufacturer.

Energosteel Company delegation has visited the Scandinavian partners

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Energosteel Company delegation composed of sales and technical support department’s representatives visited Scandinavian partners in September 2017.

Cooperation with costumers of this region began in March 2016 and it has managed to take a firm position in a very short time. Scandinavian direction takes a significant part of Energosteel company export. It became a possible, because consumers highly appreciated the quality of grinding balls fourth and fifth hardness groups and the price – quality ratio, as evidenced by regular supplies of these products.

During the visit, the delegation met personally with the consumer’s leadership. The technical experts of both sides discussed the grinding process of raw materials at the enterprise, the operation conditions of the “Energosteel” grinding balls. It allowed making a correct assessment of our products performance and identifying areas for improving cooperation directions. Commercial negotiations aimed at expanding the products sales have successfully conducted.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our partners for the wonderful welcome, excellent work and magnificent experience. It was very pleasant to work with you!