Energosteel. Grinding Media Ball Manufacturer.

ENERGOSTEEL Company representative at business breakfast “Prozorro”

ENERGOSTEEL Company representative has been invited as participant of business breakfast organized by the Prozorro team, as the main manufacturer and supplier of ball-rolling products in Ukraine and beyond its borders.

The general director of “Prozorro” Vasily Zadvorny,  Deputy Director of the Public Procurement Regulation Department of the Economic Development Ministry Natalia Shimko and other representatives of public authority, industry and trade as main users of the electronic trading platform have been participation in the business breakfast.

Issues related to the process of participation in tenders, as well as issues involving participation in public procurement and ways to resolve them discussed on the meeting. The meeting participants discussed about 30 blocks of the procurement process with electronic platform “Prozorro” using, сonsidered the problems faced by suppliers and buyers during government procurement (documents for participation in tenders, unscrupulous competitors identification and ways to protect against them), and most “loud” and large tenders conducted at the “Prozorro” platform.

The main “highlight” of the meeting was discussion the draft law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On public procurement ” and some other legislative acts of Ukraine”” (hereinafter – the “Draft”).

The project was registered in the Verkhovna Rada at 13.04.2018 and it was initiated by the President of Ukraine. Changes will lead to reduce the appeal mechanism abuse possibility by dishonest “complainant” to artificially delay procurement procedures and create pressure for customers and:

ENERGOSTEEL Company representative has took part at the issues discussion arise or may arise in electronic trading, has analyzed problems encountered at the filing documents time and contract signing in the future.

Separate attention has paid to questions about unfair competition, documents falsification and other unlawful bidder’s actions at the meeting.

As a result, а single action model has been developed to prevent and stop violations by unscrupulous enterprises-participants.