Energosteel. Grinding Media Ball Manufacturer.

Environmental protection in the rolling industry

Any metallurgical production accompanied by industrial waste formation. The basic rule followed at any metallurgical enterprise is to reduce the industrial waste volume and to find a way to recycle it.

Rolling production significantly less pollutes the air in comparison with other main metallurgical enterprises. The enterprises use various gas-cleaning and dust-collecting installations. The dedusting problem in rolling enterprises solved by the use of water dedusting provided by the nozzles with thin water spraying using, mechanical and pneumatic uniform irrigation the dust areas through the hole pipes and air separators. Industrial vacuum cleaners can be used to clean rolling mill waste (scale, dust).

Much attention paid to protect the water basin from pollution by industrial effluents at metallurgical plants. The dozens of large circulating water supply cycles to metallurgical enterprises have been commissioned in recent years. Water polluted by scale and oil and the main and almost the only way for its preparation is removing mechanical impurities and oils.

Cooling towers and process water pools use to cool equipment in the rolling department at the ENERGOSTEEL Plant, thus, no wastewater pollution occurs. The scale collects in tubs and takes out by specialized organizations for the scale disposal. The used linings, oiled rags, used batteries, fluorescent lamps recycle too.

ENERGOSTEEL Company not only strictly complies with all requirements of the legislation on environmental protection but also takes additional measures to prevent negative impact on the environment and increase the efficiency of resource use.