Energosteel. Grinding Media Ball Manufacturer.

SEO-promotion results of Energosteel Company for 2019

January is the month of summing up the work done for the previous year. We would like to share the SEO-promotion results of our corporate website for 2019.

The total traffic to our site increased by 23%, and the visitor’s quantity is over 40,000 users in 2019!! The top 10 popular site pages for the year look like this:

  1. About us
  2. The system of a ball mill
  3. Contacts
  4. Ukrainian mining & processing enterprises
  5. The material science and steels heat treatment. Investigation methods the metals and alloys structure
  6. Russian version of point 7.
  7. The operating principle of the ball mill
  8. Manufacturing
  9. News
  10. Producs

In total for 2019, we published 57 articles available in 3 main languages – Ukrainian, Russian and English. The topics of our articles are company news, industrial test results, exhibitions, business trips, the geography of our grinding balls supplies, and a lot of useful information for all industry experts.

Describing the results of the industrial tests in our articles, we have proved in practice a more efficient use the steel grinding balls as a grinding medium than cast iron alloyed with chromium cylpebs. Twice (!) in the last year. Links for article 1 and article 2

The top 3 articles of 2019:

  1. The Mohs scale of mineral hardness
  2. Raw materials in cement production
  3. Clinker grinding in cement production

We pleased to see such a response from our target audience. We pleased when our technical articles prove useful to our customers. We promise in 2020 more articles and more useful information.