Energosteel. Grinding Media Ball Manufacturer.

Visitors from Finland visited our plant

Last week we received a very pleasant visit of our partner who is represent one of the world’s largest holdings in the sector of supplying products from the chemical and metallurgical industry to mining and metallurgical enterprises.This company operates a global network with more than 530 locations in 73 countries. We started our cooperation with them in 2015 and by the help of them have successfully increased our sales at Scandinavian market.

During the factory tour our guest learned about our production processes and quality control methods. Representative of the company also visited our own storage facilities of finished-products and raw materials. Our production director showed him the new production line and impact drop machine.

This event also was an opportunity to negotiate our current work and future growth plans.

We are delighted that our customer has visited our operations, to see for himselves how we provide the consistent quality of our products.

The feedback from the guest has been consistently enthusiastic and positive. I hope we may continue to strengthen the partnership and cooperation between us in a future.