Energosteel. Grinding Media Ball Manufacturer.


Grinding balls are the main component in the grinding materials process in the production of cement, electricity, gas concrete, glass, silicate products and the production of metals. Grinding balls are used as a grinding medium in the ball mills for the production of the above products.

Grinding balls are classified as consumables; their cost is fully included on the cost of the finished product. It is well known, the cost of grinding balls is about 30% of the total costs of grinding process. Therefore, it is very important to use high-quality grinding balls in the grinding process. The question is how to convince the customer of the grinding balls quality?

Energosteel Company is 100% sure about the quality of its own production and is ready to provide guarantee for its grinding balls. In general, the following indicators are the subject of warranties:

However, the guarantee availability depends on specific operating conditions and is provided after careful technology analysis of the shredding process technology on a case-by-case basis.

In turn, the customer, who received the grinding balls and the quality guarantees are provided on them, have to comply with a number of rules:

  1. It is not recommended to use different types of grinding balls in the same mill;
  2. The mill must be in good working order and should be operated in accordance with the process instruction;
  3. The operating conditions must be recorded;
  4. Mill power must be continuous.
  5. The mill shall not be operated without material for more than 10 minutes;
  6. The proportion of grinding balls/loading material of the mill shall conform to the requirements specified in the technical documentation;
  7. The filling level of the mill with balls shall be not less than 27% of the mill volume or as recommended by the mill manufacturer.

These are only basic requirements that will ensure maximum efficiency of grinding media in the ball mill. Also, compliance with the above rules will significantly reduce the likelihood of reclamations.