Earlier we have considered the grinding process specifics in the aerated concrete production and we have mentioned about automatic devices for grinding media loading into a mill in automatic mode. In this publication, we will consider this issue in more detail. Automatic grinding media loading into mill most uses in aerated concrete production, because of these factors: The aerated concrete production is a fairly young technology and all modern techniques relating to the grinding process consider in the production design. The 40mm and 30mm grinding balls mainly use in the aerated concrete production. A small mills amount. In general, one or two ball mills use at the aerated concrete plant. The grinding material uniformity, etc. Let’s note, all foreign aerated concrete manufacturers use automatic grinding media loading. For today, only one enterprise has implemented this technology in Ukraine. What is this method of loading grinding media into a mill? This mechanism consists of two main parts: the container for grinding balls and the grinding channel for grinding media entering into mill. The container equipped with a movable flap. Flap movement can be adjusted (open / close) automatically or in manual mode. In automatic mode: computer monitors the raw material amount […]
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We have briefly considered the grinding process at enterprises following industries: minerals extraction and processing, cement production and coal grinding for thermal power plants. We will consider the material grinding process in the aerated concrete production in this article. There are more than 9 large plants produce building gas-concrete blocks in Ukraine today. All enterprises of this industry use single-chamber tube ball mills, as the grindable equipment. As a rule, these mills have 10 meters in length and 2.5 meters in diameter. The mill inner drum is protected by rubber armor plates with small lifters (“waves”). In addition to Ukrainian aerated concrete producers, Energosteel Company supplies grinding balls to more than thirty companies of this industry located in the CIS and near abroad. 40 mm steel grinding balls use as grinding media for aerated concrete production and 30 mm grinding balls sometimes use in addition. This is due to the fact that sand grinds in ball mills. Sand has a fine fraction, but very abrasive and hard. Grinding media operate in cascade mode “for abrasion”. That’s why the grinding balls with surface hardness at least 64HRC and 45HRC at 0.5R depth (the fourth hardness group according to DSTU 3499-97 / […]
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Energosteel Company specialists continue to inform our readers about measuring the bulk weight of steel grinding balls produced by Energosteel. Recall, our production department has been equipped with two containers in order to measure the bulk weight of grinding balls. Both containers (tubs) have the correct geometric shape – a parallelepiped with sides 118х118х110cm. The each container volume is 1.53 cubic meters. Thus, a batch of 40mm steel grinding balls the fifth hardness group (DSTU 8538: 2015 / DSTU 3499-97) was produced in September. The measurements results have shown in the table below. Table 1. The 40mm grinding balls bulk weight. (without shaking up) Parameter Container №1 Container №2 Average value Container volume, m3 1,531 1,531 Grinding media volume in container, m3 0,989 1,002 The container and grinding media weight (gross), t 5,625 5,615 The container weigh, t 0,950 0,880 The grinding media weight, t 4,675 4,735 The bulk weight, t/m3 4,730 4,726 4,728 The 40mm grinding ball bulk weight is 4,76 t/m3 in reference specialized literature. Energosteel Company will continue to inform you a calculation results the bulk weight of steel grinding balls with different diameters (from 25mm to 120mm) own production.
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The enterprises consumers grinding media have a question about right choise the grinding ball size (diameter) for the mill in order to achieve the required grinding quality. We noted earlier, this information can be obtained from several sources: – Technical documentation. It attached to the milling equipment (mill). Each mill manufacturer recommends certain grinding media type for mill operation under certain conditions: the crushed material parameters, the mill’s performance, the raw materials particle size in the mill’s “feed”, and the required grinding fineness (finished class content). – Past experience of a ball mill. It is possible to calculate the grinding media average diameter formed in the mill operation, during grinding media unload from mill (the grinding balls bulk weight in fully unloaded mill). – Other enterprises. It is possible to obtain the necessary data on a grinding media granulometric composition from other enterprises with a similar grinding process, including similar requirements to the grinding quality. Sometimes, the above sources use is impossible. There is a mathematical solution to this problem – the Bond formula. It uses to help determine the grinding media optimal size must be loaded into the ball mill for proper operation ensure. The calculation formula is below: […]
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More photos at photo gallery Energosteel Company delegation composed of sales and technical support department’s representatives visited Scandinavian partners in September 2017. Cooperation with costumers of this region began in March 2016 and it has managed to take a firm position in a very short time. Scandinavian direction takes a significant part of Energosteel company export. It became a possible, because consumers highly appreciated the quality of grinding balls fourth and fifth hardness groups and the price – quality ratio, as evidenced by regular supplies of these products. During the visit, the delegation met personally with the consumer’s leadership. The technical experts of both sides discussed the grinding process of raw materials at the enterprise, the operation conditions of the “Energosteel” grinding balls. It allowed making a correct assessment of our products performance and identifying areas for improving cooperation directions. Commercial negotiations aimed at expanding the products sales have successfully conducted. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our partners for the wonderful welcome, excellent work and magnificent experience. It was very pleasant to work with you!
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Elements reducing the steel propensity to corrosion or elements changing the more dangerous corrosion form to less dangerous (for example, the intergranular corrosion transition in uniform one) specially introduced in steel composition during alloying. Chromium, nickel, aluminum and silicon separately or together in various proportions often introduce into steel. These elements presence in sufficient quantities makes the steel resistant in water, in humid atmosphere, in many acids and alkalis solutions and in dry gases atmosphere at high temperatures. Erosion resistance increases in steels with a high carbon content. Energosteel company uses such high-carbon steel, alloyed with chromium, manganese and silicon for the grinding balls fifth hardness group production (DSTU 3499-97 / DSTU 8538: 2015). Energosteel Company uses steel, specially developed our specialists together with hot-rolled round products suppliers for production grinding balls the 3-rd and 4-th hardness groups (DSTU 3499-97 / DSTU 8538: 2015). These steels contain a certain number of alloying elements (silicon, chromium, manganese, vanadium, molybdenum, titanium), that change the metal mechanical properties in micro volumes simultaneously increasing the corrosion resistance.
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We present to your attention an article series devoted to the corrosive wear of steel grinding balls. The grinding balls corrosion accelerated by the oxygen presence in the water. Moreover, a large oxygen concentration leads to a strong increase the medium corrosive activity. However, with a further increase in the oxygen content, the corrosion rate decreases as a result of passivation. The corrosion rate, like any other chemical reaction, depends strongly on temperature. The grinding balls corrosion rate may increase by several orders if the temperature rises by 100 degrees. The grouts very intensively destroy the grinding media steel at low pH values (0-7), i.e. at hydrogen ions high concentration. The corrosion process of steel slow down at pH values greater than 9. Ideally, the environment for the steel grinding balls operation in the mill should be with pH values greater than 9, without the free oxygen presence in water and with a temperature up to 50 degrees. Also, it is desirable to add inhibitors (substances retarding the corrosion process) to the medium
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Energosteel Company successfully passed the technical supervision by the certified quality management system the steel grinding balls production for compliance with DSTU ISO 9001: 2009 in June 2017. State Enterprise “Kharkivstandartmetrologiya” conducted technical supervision. The audit purpose was compliance the quality management system to the planned activities, to the DSTU ISO 9001: 2009 requirements and to the requirements for quality management systems established by the organization; implementation and support effectiveness. The technical supervision results conclusion: The quality management system of Energosteel Company meets the requirements DSTU ISO 9001: 2009 «Quality management systems. Requirements».
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We have considered earlier in detail how to calculate the bulk weight of new grinding media and grinding media loaded into the mill. For many years experience of industrial tests conduction, Energosteel Company specialists noted, not all enterprises have the ability for correctly and quickly measure the grinding balls bulk weight. Let us remind you in order to measure the bulk weigh of grinding balls uses container with regular geometric shape (cube) and volume no less than 1.0 cubic meter. Therefore, the Energosteel Company management decided equip production with two containers meet the specified requirements. This will allow to providing all necessary measurements with minimal error and a time spent minimum and give the results to our customers. Both containers (tubs) have the correct geometric shape – a parallelepiped with sides 118х118х110cm. The each container volume is 1.53 cubic meters. We would to remind, the calculations results will be more accurate if measuring container has a larger volume. Taking into account the crane scales technical parameters; Energosteel Company specialists decided the 1.53 cubic meters is the optimal container volume for the grinding balls bulk weight determination with the minimum error. Crane scales should annually check. Energosteel Company employees measured the […]
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We considered the preparation Methodology for conducting industrial tests in our last publication. The next step is industrial test conduction. During the entire test period, the tested mills work in the normal mode, all the requirements prescribed in the Methodology must be observed. Responsible persons at the enterprise should daily provide all current information on the mill’s performance – the productivity, the preloaded grinding media quantity, etc. by any convenient mode (by phone, e-mail, etc.). It is very important to correctly and accurately measure the grinding media quantity in the mill during industrial tests. Measurements perform in mill by measuring the following parameters: the mill inner drum diameter; the mill inner drum length; the distance from the drum mill center to the surface of grinding balls. Measurements taken at three points: mill power point, at mill center point and in mill unloading point. Two measurements are taken at each point: first measurement make in the “hollow” between the armor plate lifters, the second measurement make on the uppermost part of the armor plate lifter. Then, the obtained measurements averaged (by the arithmetic mean) and used in further calculations. The measurements can make by any measuring device – laser or ordinary […]
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We have come to the industrial test stage for a complex works on the preparation Methodology for conducting industrial tests and it signing. Methodology for conducting industrial tests is the main document completely regulates the testing process, starting from the grinding balls incoming inspection to final test results calculation. The main thing is that all members directly related to industrial tests from both sides (the enterprise and grinding media supplier representatives) should participate in the Methodology writing. Members from third side (for example the specialized scientific and technical organizations) can participate in industrial tests. Let’s consider the main points and briefly describe their content. The title page. It must include all industrial tests participants and their positions. The enterprise and testing grinding media indicates on the title page. The title page certified with industrial tests participant’s signatures and enterprises seals. The introduction (the test object). This chapter indicates the test place (a factory, a section, a mill number, etc.) and clearly describes the testing grinding media physical and technical characteristics. As a rule, this chapter also describes the current situation in the grinding process – grinding media type, their specific consumption and other ball mill (section) technical and technological parameters […]
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There is a rapid rise in prices tendency in the world. The prices increase for iron ore and coking coal, quotations increase for a square billet and scrap metal. This is entails the raw materials prices increase for the steel grinding balls production. In this regard, Energosteel Company expands the raw materials suppliers. Energosteel delegation held meetings with potential partners, visited raw materials producers enterprises to assess the offered products in August 2017. Close acquaintance with the representatives of the companies and the format of live communication given the opportunity to identify the most optimal suggestions which will allow us to offer our customers the grinding balls with most appropriate to their requirements for price and quality.
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Energosteel Company is Ukrainian manufacturer of forged steel grinding balls. Our products are designed for grinding of raw materials at ore mining and industrial processing facilities, energy generating companies, cement plants. Capacity of Energosteel Company is 60 000 steel grinding balls per year. We are produce grinding balls with a diameter by 20mm to 125mm with high carbon content and the volumetric hardness from 60 to 65 HRC. Energosteel Company key strategic directions aimed at improving the products quality, developing new sales markets and expanding export supplies. Thus, 65% of Energosteel steel grinding balls sold on the domestic market, while 35% were exported during the first 6 months 2017, versus 75% and 25% respectively for the same period in 2016. The exports increase became possible due to sales increase in 4.5 times to the CIS countries, as well as through the new markets development in the directions – the EU, the CIS, the Middle East countries and the Baltic States. The customer numbers increased on 6% in January-June 2017. The realization structure of grinding balls different harnesses. The production volume of grinding balls fifth hardness group increased by 2 times in January-June 2017, comparison to the same period in 2016. […]
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We had describe two main methods for full-scale industrial tests conducting (method with a new grinding balls; method by replacing grinding balls) in previous article. We will consider the third method in this article. This method is not as popular as the two previous ones and it is an intermediate step, between the technical and economic negotiations and industrial tests conduction. This method calls “the labeled ball method” by technicians. The specificity of this method is problematic determination the exact specific consumption of tested grinding media, according to the industrial tests results. This indicator can only be predicted (measurement error can be more than 15%). This method used when needs to determinate grinding media material (cast iron chemical composition, various steel grades) optimally suitable for specific grinding conditions. This method essence is that a certain amount of marked grinding balls load into the ball mill with grinding media. Marked grinding balls need to be weighed and their geometric dimensions should be determined before loading into the ball mill for a reference comparison point formation. The marking grinding balls method depends on their production method: – Steel rolled balls marked by drilling holes in them at 0.25-0.30R depth. If grinding media […]
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We continue to consider the main stages of industrial tests. In this article, we consider the next stage in full-scale industrial tests conducting – the testing method determination. Two methods (variants) use for industrial tests conducting in practice: tests providing with a new grinding balls; tests conduction by the replacing grinding balls method. The first test method implies the new grinding balls loaded in empty test mill. As a rule, this is assembly of grinding balls. The assembly average diameter should be equal to the grinding balls average diameter in the operating mill (prior to the spent grinding balls unloading). We indicated two ways for determination the average diameter of grinding balls in a mill at our previous articles (The grinding balls bulk weight in mill without unloading grinding media and The grinding balls bulk weight in fully unloaded mill) . This method use when the mill put into operation after major repairs. This method advantages: there is 100% guarantee, all mill performance refers to the testing grinding balls during industrial test; the shorter testing period; there is no need to purchase additional grinding balls volume. The second testing type used when there is no possibility to overload mill with […]
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More photos photo gallery Energosteel company delegation composed of sales and technical support department’s representatives visited Azerbaijan partners in July 2017. One of the mining & processing enterprise-partner was visited together with Proses Mühendislik Company. The main purpose of business trip was conduction technical, economic and commercial negotiations and acquaintance with the new management team of some partners. As a business visit result, our technical specialists evaluated Energosteel grinding balls performance at customer enterprises. This allowed us to determine the directions for improving the grinding process at client plants. Also, negotiations successfully held about grinding balls sales increasing and developing even more effective cooperation in this region. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our partners for the warm welcome, excellent work and open tone of the negotiations. It was a pleasure working with you!
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We continue the articles rubric, where we cover the main stages of conducting full-scale industrial tests. The next industrial tests stage is the testing place determination. The testing place determination for tests conduction depends directly on the client’s production capacity. If client has only one mill for material grinding, then choice is obvious. In most cases, our customers have several “knots” for material grinding; therefore, testing place determination is an important objective before industrial tests starting. Consider the option when the client has several ball mills and each mill operates according to an individual grinding scheme. Such material grinding scheme can be found in a gas-concrete or cement industry, i.e. mills operate independently of each other, but generally have a total power (a hopper). In this case, need to select for industrial test a mill launched into production after major repairs (armor replacement, electrical equipment repair, etc.). Also, the indicators adopted for further comparison by the test results, select at this stage. As a rule, these are planned indicators. They are prescribed in the documents regulating the production process. Similarly, the comparison can occur with operation results the “neighboring” mill or with the mill’s indicators attained before repair. We draw […]
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We began considered set of measures needed to perform for qualitatively industrial tests such way, that results could be projected at whole plant technology. In this article, we will consider the second and third stages of industrial tests, namely: – Responsible person’s identification. They are directly involved in industrial tests; – The industrial tests tasks and objectives definition; Seems, the responsible persons identification stage is quite simple, but in fact, this is not so. Many employees of various company services involve in industrial tests conducting, starting from the warehouse employees and ending with the main enrichment (technical director) of the enterprise, where industrial tests planned. All employees who directly or indirectly can influence on the industrial tests result (compliance with the Test Procedure requirements) should be informed about the experiment. To each employee assign the tasks aimed at the proper conduct of industrial tests.It is important, all employees involved in the experiment should be informed that the representative of grinding media manufacturer has the right to receive any information regarding the test conduct (within the limits specified in the Methodology).Summarizing, we can safely say, the both sides participants of experiment (the client and the grinding media producer) form a single […]
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Energosteel company delegation visited the Ukrainian-Belarusian business forum on the 21th June 2017. The forum was organized within the framework of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko visit to Ukraine and aimed at developing trade and economic relations between the two countries. Over 300 Ukrainian and 90 Belarusian companies attended the forum. The business elite of two countries discussed ways for develop bilateral cooperation in trade, engineering, industrial production, agriculture, infrastructure construction, etc. Particular attention was paid to the Ukrainian-Belarusian cooperation issue for the export to the third parties markets, including the European Union countries. A ceremony of signing 16 commercial contracts between Ukrainian and Belarus enterprises held within the framework of the event. Energosteel used the Ukrainian-Belarusian business forum as an exceptional opportunity to meet, establish connections and do business with potential partners and existing key market players in the region.
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