We have written about correct definition the hardness group of grinding balls in the article. Here, we would like to pay your attention for nuances in hardness measurement of grinding balls with high volumetric hardness. For conformity grinding ball to the fifth hardness group needs to prepare a flat surface platform by removing metal from grinding ball to R (radius) depth on the one side and to a 0.5 R depth on the other side (Picture 1). Picture 1. Platform preparation for hardness measuring of Ø40mm grinding ball on R depth Hardness measuring all radius parts of grinding ball carried out in accordance with Picture 2. Picture 2. Performance scheme of hardness measurement on a grinding ball platform (depth R) Volumetric Hardness (VH) determined as sum of grinding ball measured values on surface hardness (Тsurf); hardness at 0,25 R (Т0,25); hardness at 0,5R (Т0,5); hardness at 0,75 R (Т0,75) and hardness in the center(Тc). Volumetric hardness (VH) calculated by formula: VH= 0,289 Тsurf+ 0,436 Т0,25 + 0,203Т0,5 + 0,063Т0,75 + 0,009 Тc
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Ukrainian cement industry is the key link of country building complex and completely covers interior demand for cement. 12 large enterprises represent Ukrainian cement industry. It should be noted, just only one plant belongs to Ukrainian equity. Main enterprises of Ukrainian cement industry: Podilsky Cement PJSC Mykolaivсement PJSC Cement LLC (Odessa cement plant) PC “Ivano-Frankivskcement” Dyckerhoff Ukraine PJSC “Volyn – Cement” PJSC “Yugcement” JSC Balcem Pushka Kramatorsk Cement Plant Kryvyi Rih cement plant Amvrosiyivka Cement Plant Dniprodzerzhynsk cement plant In the cement industry used different grinding schemes of raw materials involving milling equipment various sizes. Pipe ball mills used basically. Their ratio of length to diameter is 3:1. Grinding distinguish by: closed cycle grinding (with using sorting machines) or open cycle grinding; the wet or dry grinding process; grinding with simultaneous drying material in the mill. Pipe mills use for clinker grinding in cement production. These mills consist of one camera. The 90mm, 80mm, 70mm, 60mm and 40mm steel grinding balls with third or fourth hardness group (DSTU 3499-97) use as grinding media. The grinding balls assembly depends on size and hardness (mineral composition) of raw material and requirements to the crushed parts size for cement mills. Very often, waste grinding […]
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Today Ukrainian industrial capacity remains at a high level despite the stagnation of its economy. Ukrainian mining, energy and construction industries, where the grinding media used, reduced their production volumes, but still are the flagships of the Ukrainian industry. Ukrainian grinding media producers ensure the company’s needs of these industries. A large part of produced grinding media are grinding balls, but also produce grinding cylpebs. The volume of Ukrainian grinding media market is about 180-200 thousand tons. Requirement partially closed by import equal about 2%. Ukrainian enterprises produce other 98%. Currently, about five Ukrainian grinding media producers can be called active market players. Grinding media production of Ukrainian producers divided into two groups, depending on the material for manufacturing: Production of cast iron grinding media (unalloyed or medium alloyed cast iron balls and cylpebs with low chromium and other alloying elements that provide a hardness). This type of grinding media produced by casting. The range presented on the Ukrainian market includes 60mm, 100mm, 120mm balls and cylpebs. All cast iron grinding media have hardness less than 50HRC. It should be noted, there are no Ukrainian state standards that regulate requirements to cast iron grinding media. That’s why, all manufacturers produce […]
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In Ukraine located about 20% world reserves of iron ore – 80 industrial fields. Domestic mining sector consists of 26 companies. These companies produce the whole range of iron ore resources: an ore, a concentrate, ovoids and agglomerates. Ukraine is the sixth largest iron ore producer. Kryvbas is one of the largest iron ore basin in the world. It includes a series of fields in length over 100 km through Dnipropetrovsk, Kirovohrad and Mykolayiv region. Iron ore with high metal content occur in Kremenchug (Poltava region) and Belozersk (Zaporizhia region) iron ore districts. In the above areas there are six major mining and processing enterprises. They form the majority in Ukrainian production of concentrate, ovoids and agglomerate: Ferrexpo Poltava GOK; Northern Iron Ore Enrichment Works; Central Iron Ore Enrichment Works; Yuzhny Mining and Enrichment Plant; ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih; Ingulets Iron Ore Enrichment Works; Ore milling happens in drum mills and steel grinding balls used as milling media. Each of the enterprises has its own specificity in grinding technology, depending on the physical chemical properties of the enriched ores in this enterprise. All enterprises use a classic scheme of raw material grinding and it consists of 3 steps. We consider each […]
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Energosteel Company is Ukrainian manufacturer of forged steel grinding balls. Our products are designed for grinding of raw materials at ore mining and industrial processing facilities, energy generating companies, cement plants. Capacity of Energosteel Company is 60 000 steel grinding balls per year. We are produce grinding balls with a diameter by 20mm to 125mm with high carbon content and the volumetric hardness from 60 to 65 HRC. Despite of the crisis state the Ukrainian economy Energosteel Company has improved indicators of 2015. Compared to 2015 the volume of production and sales of grinding balls increased by 8.6%. It has been achieved thanks to a high performance properties of grinding balls, which highly appreciated by our partners from around the world. Exports increased by 44% and amounted 27% of sales. This became possible thanks to consumption growth in already developed markets of Energosteel Company and through developing new markets, including the MENA and Scandinavian markets. In 2016 marked a significant increase in production (by 22.3%) of grinding balls with the fifth group of hardness in comparison with 2015. In general, the production of grinding balls with the fifth group of hardness and high volumetric hardness was 15.2% of the annual […]
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The operating principle of the ball mill consists of following steps. In a continuously operating ball mill, feed material fed through the central hole one of the caps into the drum and moves therealong, being exposed by grinding media. The material grinding occurs during impact falling grinding balls and abrasion the particles between the balls. Then, discharge of ground material performed through the central hole in the discharge cap or through the grid (mills with center unloading the milled product and mills with unloading the milled product through the grid). In filling mill by grinding balls on 40 – 50% and non-smooth liner, the outer layers slip is virtually absent, but the sliding of the inner layers one on another observed in various modes of operation mill. In a monolayer filling mill by grinding media, they rotate around their axis parallel to the drum axis of rotation. Grinding media are not subjected to a circular motion by a smooth lining, even at high speeds. In a multilayer filling mill by grinding media, depending on the rotational speed, there is possible one of the following modes the grinding media motion: Cascade mode motion – speed mode with a rolling of grinding […]
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Participation of company representatives in the largest specialized exhibition «Mining Turkey Fair 2016». Delegation of of Energosteel company together with official representative on the Turkish market – the company “Process”, attended the 7th International Exhibition «Mining Turkey Fair 2016″ held on the 24-th – 27-th November in Istanbul at the International Exhibition Center «Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center». «Mining Turkey Fair 2016″ is the most significant mining exhibition in the area and important marketplace to show, sell and buy the latest mining technologies, equipment and services. This year event hosted 9 472 visitors including 563 foreign visitors from 47 countries. Leading mining companies, suppliers of equipment and materials, investors and key solution providers to build sustainable relationships in Turkish mining industry, attended the fair. As part of «Mining Turkey Fair 2016″, representatives of both companies held business meetings with partners and customers, carried out negotiations with the leading consumers of grinding balls, that allowed to develop a strategy aimed at increasing sales of Energosteel grinding balls in the region.
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The surface hardness of grinding balls define on two diametrically opposite platforms. In determining, the hardness at each platform perform four measurements. The first three measurements performed at the vertices of imaginary equilateral triangle with a side length from 6 to 8 mm. These measurements are tentative and the results are not recorded in the test report. The fourth measurement carried out in the center of the triangle (Picture 1). The result of this measurement recorded in the test report. Picture 1. Execution scheme the hardness measurements on each platforms of grinding ball Hardness of the grinding ball defined as the average value of measurements both surfaces. Hardness batch of grinding balls defined as average value of hardness 10 of grinding balls selected from the batch. For confirmation the grinding ball to the 4th group of hardness carried out further hardness measurement at depth 1/2 radius of the grinding ball. At distance of 1/2 radius perform four hardness measurements on two mutually perpendicular lines. The minimum and the maximum hardness values ignore, and the hardness defined as arithmetic average value of the other two dimensions (Picture 2). Picture 2. Execution scheme the hardness measurements on platforms of grinding ball (distance […]
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Hardness of steel grinding balls determined on attorneys devices. The hardness measurement of grinding balls carried out at room temperature. The support surface of the table, instrument stands must be free from foreign matter (scale, grease, etc.). In the measurement of hardness must be met these conditions (pic. 1): Gradual bringing a tip into contact with the working surface of the ball; Gradual application of preliminary force F0 and the main force F1 (for 2-8 sec); Gradual removal the main forces F1 through 1-3 sec after a sharp slowing or stopping of the indicator arrows. Picture 1. Schematic of the hardness measuring by Rockwell method (where, F0 – preliminary force, H (kgf); F1 – the main force, H (kgf); F – the total force F0 + F1, H (kgf)) The distance between the centers of two adjacent imprints must be not less than four imprint diameters (but not less than 2 mm). Rockwell hardness value determined on a scale indicator durometer rounded to 0.5 unit of hardness. For measuring a surface hardness of the grinding ball perform two diametrically opposite platforms, as shown in Picture 2. Picture 2. Platform preparation for measuring the hardness of the ball Ø40mm For compliance […]
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Company Energosteel cares primarily about the quality of produced grinding balls. That’s why we continue to complement our test laboratory with the necessary equipment. Thus, the test laboratory has acquired a portable conductivity meter PWT. This device is equipped with a built-in electrode for determining the electrical resistance of the distilled water in the cooling circuit of induction furnaces. Control of the electric resistance of distilled water in the cooling circuit of induction furnaces is necessary for the stable operation of the furnaces during heating billet before the helical rolling and eventually for obtaining consistent quality of grinding balls for drum mills.
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According to the requirements of GOST 9013-59 the roughness of the sample surface (or surface area) for measure hardness of the product Ra should not exceed 2,5 mm, unless otherwise specified in the standard technical documentation for metal. The sample should be prepared in such a way that its properties have not changed as a result of mechanical or other treatment. Grinding on the surface grinder is the best way of preparation the grinding ball surface for hardness measure. Grinding machine designed for the effective conduct of grinding the metal details by special abrasive tool (grinding wheels). Metal details fixed on a table of surface grinder. For grinding balls done special matrix, it placed from 2 to 5 pieces, depending on the diameter of the balls. The grinding balls grinded simultaneously. A working cutting movement consists as follows – the fixed grinding balls on a table in a matrix moved relative to the cutting tool and thus occurs machining surface abrasive balls. Surface grinding includes the following working movements: cutting tool rotation, longitudinal and transverse feed ball, ball move toward cutting grinding wheel. In the grinding, place of contact the ball with grinding wheel fed coolant, because it helps prevent […]
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Grinding media is the main component in the technological process of grinding materials for cement production, electric power, glass, silicate products, at the extraction of the concentrate for the production of metals. It should be noted, the price cannot be the only determining factor for choosing a supplier of grinding media. By choosing a supplier, cement enterprises and mining companies increasingly focused on reducing specific consumption of grinding media per ton of produced product in monetary terms, that is the optimal ratio of the specific consumption and prices for grinding media. In order to select the right supplier of grinding media, needs to understand the applied production technology, as well as to understand exactly what kind of grinding media required in the particular case (geometry, the material of the grinding media and technical parameters – hardness). International experience shows that using the steel grinding balls (instead cylpebs, cylinders, ellipsoids) of alloy high carbon steel in the cement industry (for grinding clinker and limestone) and mining industry (1st, 2nd and 3rd stage of grinding in concentration of ore) provides significant economy by reducing specific consumption and saving electricity consumption. Compared with others, the specific consumption by the application of grinding balls […]
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Grinding of minerals are carried out in the mills. There are different types of the grinding media used in grinding. According to the geometric shape of grinding media there are: The balls of different diameters; Short cylinders – steel circle cut into the size; Steel bars (round billet); Truncated cones (cylpebs, ellipsoids). The material used for the production of the grinding media can be divided into three main groups: Steel grinding media – used carbon steel as a raw material for the production, which doped with various chemical elements to impart grinding medias properties as hardness and strength. Cast iron grinding media – for the production this type of the grinding media used cast iron as “gray” and “white.” The ceramic grinding media – this type of the grinding media, as the name suggests, is made of ceramic and used mainly in small-sized mills (about 50 liters) in the chemical and food industries. According to the production method, grinding media (except for the rods of short cylinders) are divided into: Today, in industry for crushing the material mainly used the grinding media, which have a geometrical shape of a ball or a truncated cone (hereinafter – cylpebs). Consider in more […]
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The activity of “Energosteel” company associated with the need to deliver the goods – grinding balls, raw materials and components. In many cases, the cost of delivery has quite a large share of the company’s total costs, so the optimization of these expenses paid a great attention. Logistics of our company is an integrated process designed to promote the creation of customer value with the lowest total cost, customer satisfaction of our grinding balls and facilitate production and marketing activities. Logistics and customs clearance department of company «Energosteel» chooses the best route and the type of vehicle for delivering grinding balls worldwide. Grinding steel balls for ball mills can be delivered in bulk or in big bags, in barrels or containers or though another most effective means for the customer. In calculating the cost of the delivery the grinding balls, experts of Energosteel consider not only the price segment of the shipping cost, but also customer requirements for the method of delivery (type and specifications of the vehicle) that may affect the safety of goods on the route and the speed of its acceptance and / or unloading, which reduces delivery costs. One example of an individual approach to the […]
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The company “Energosteel” has produced grinding balls 30 mm (volume – 150 tons) of high carbon alloy steel in early October 2016. This party of grinding balls showed higher hardness values throughout cross section of the ball with a surface hardness 65-66HRC and volumetric hardness – 64-65 HRC. According to an old national quality standard for steel grinding balls (3499-97) and to a new national quality standard for steel grinding balls (DSTU 8538: 2015) these products comply with the fifth group of hardness. Grinding balls have been successfully tested for the impact resistance. Thirty balls have been selected from a batch for the experiment. Each selected ball sustained the total impact energy of 64 312 J without destruction. This party of steel grinding balls for ball mill will be shipped in the nearest future to the Middle East market.
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The company “ENERGOSTEEL” completed the industrial test of grinding balls 40 mm of the fifth group of hardness (DSTU 3499-97) on the base of one of the largest manufacturers of aerated concrete in Azerbaijan in August 2016. Tests were carried out over one year, which minimized the impact of various factors that have an influence on the specific consumption of grinding media (for example, the performance of the ball mill, the quality of raw materials, etc.). Analysis of the results of a sufficiently long period of testing has shown that the difference in the consumption of steel grinding balls of the fourth and fifth groups of hardness was more than 20%. Based on obtained result, the management of the partner company decided to permanently use grinding balls 40 mm of the fifth group of hardness (DSTU 3499-97) produced by “Energosteel”.
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Participation of company representatives in the largest specialized exhibition of mining industry in the Middle East, North and East Africa. New sales markets for grinding balls of Energosteel. 25-26 of October 2016 Energosteel took part in vitally important event for global mining industry – The MENA Mining Show in Dubai, UAE. Exhibition was held in Dubai World Trade Centre. The MENA Mining Show is the largest and possibly the most significant mining exhibition in the Middle East and Africa. For the past 9 years, the event has become the great marketplace to show, sell and buy the latest mining technologies, equipment and services. Over 2000 visitors, near 100 governmental officials, 150 leading mining companies, investors, and key solution providers to build sustainable relationships in the Middle East and Africa’s mining industry, attended the event. For us primarily was important that representatives of global companies – direct consumers and the world’s largest suppliers of grinding balls, visited the exhibition. The main sales market for the grinding media in the Middle East and Africa includes enterprisesof non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, as well as companies, mining and processing of organic and inorganic minerals. We had pleasure to meet principal officers of UAE, Saudi, […]
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The ball mill is a hollow drum closed with loading and unloading end caps, filled with grinding media and rotated around its axis. The drum of the ball mill (Pic. 1) is a hollow cylinder of steel, lined inside with armor lining plates which protect it from impact and friction effects of the balls and the grinding material. The shape of drum liners has a significant impact on mill’s work. Drum Liners of ball mills operated on a large source material have ribs. For mills operated on the fine materials use lining with small ribs or quite smooth. Height, mutual arrangement and shape of the ribs define force of adhesion the grinding media with the drum and the results of the mill’s work. It is important when the character of the lining surface did not change harshly during its deterioration. Pic.1. The drum of the ball mill End caps molded integrally with the hollow pins. On pins planted supporting bandages. The drum is supported by two self-aligning roller through these bandages. Material loaded into the mill through the hopper. The mill is driven by a motor through a clutch, gearbox and flexible coupling. Grinding media followed to the direction of […]
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“Energosteel” сompany successfully tested an experimental batch of 100mm balls on the impact resistance. This kind of grinding balls manufactured from high carbon alloy steel and correspond to the fifth group of hardness according to DSTU 8538: 2015. Fifty balls have been selected from a batch for the experiment. The tests on the impact resistance performed using a drum kit (named the Koper) of the vertical type. The operating principle of the Koper based on definition expended operation for destruction of the grinding ball by a free fall hammer (load with certain weight). As a result of the test, each selected ball sustained the total impact energy of 165 375 J without destruction. These balls during their operation do not break, have uniform deterioration and keep their shape. These properties help to reduce consumption of grinding balls, increase mill productivity and quality of the raw material grinding.
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