In this article, we want to summarize the activities of ENERGOSTEEL Company in the social networks for 2019. Earlier we mentioned resources we can be found in addition to the official site Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Youtube The 57 publications were posted on the ENERGOSTEEL Facebook page in 2019. The most popular was the video – ENERGOSTEEL Company’s Dynamic Life. ENERGOSTEEL Company published 82 posts in the corporate Instagram account and collected 2066 likes in 2019!! The most popular post on expanding the steel grinding balls range and production launching the 35mm grinding balls – The first vlog appeared on our Youtube channel in 2019 – ENERGOSTEEL Company provides industrial tests In general, we are pleased with our performance in the social networks. We are focused on further development in this direction in 2020. This means we will more often please you with even more useful and interesting content.
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“Repetitio est mater studiorum”, the famous proverb “Repetition is the mother of learning” sounds in Latin. This adage is especially relevant after the Xmass holidays. Therefore, we decided to remind you very useful section of our site – Wikipedia, which contains all terms of the industry. To view the Wikipedia Section, you need to go to the Library menu item and select the Wikipedia section from the pop-up list, or just click on the link – . All terms are available in 3 main languages - Ukrainian, Russian and English. ENERGOSTEEL always cares about you, dear partners!
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Dear partners! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Let all plans be achieved, dreams and desires come true, and let miracles happen not only on New Year’s Eve! Let the business grow and make you happy with new successes and achievements. May success accompany all your undertakings and may all your affairs end in success! Happiness to you and your loved ones! Best wishes, ENERGOSTEEL Team
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Mastering the foreign markets for the grinding media supply, the ENERGOSTEEL company specialists have noted one peculiarity for themselves. Many foreign enterprises use SAG mills (self-grinding and semi-self-grinding mills) in their grinding scheme. Recall, a SAG mill is a mill type for the material grinding with a larger diameter than its length. The steel grinding balls with large diameters from 100mm to 125mm and above are the grinding media in such mills. As a rule, the filling rate of SAG mills with grinding media is from 6% to 12%. For example, the filling rate of conventional pipe ball mills ranges from 25% to 50% (depending on the material grinding requirements). The principle of grinding is a waterfall regime, i.e. maximum use of the kinetic energy of falling grinding media. The SAG mills used for the coarse grinding of large rock pieces (the first grinding stage). The necessary equipment choice for grinding material was provided on the following factors, 5-7 years ago: the grinding scheme analysis on a similar enterprise, the absence of stages the medium and fine crushing, the absence of free space for installing additional crushing equipment, the complexity degree of ore dressing, and the high abrasiveness of the […]
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We have given repeatedly in our publications the examples and the mathematical calculations disproving the prevailing opinion the need to use cast iron cylpebs for finer material grinding. In this article, we will provide you with the comparing work results of two types the grinding media – cast iron cylpebs of Ukrainian production and 35/40mm steel grinding balls by ENERGOSTEEL production. Let’s look at the course of these tests in more detail. We had the opportunity to conduct comparative tests in a laboratory mill installed on the production site of one of our customers at the end of November 2019. The mill drum divided by a “blank” partition into two equal chambers. 60 kilograms of grinding media loaded into each chamber. The 20 kilograms of material loaded into each chamber observing the proportion of grinding media to the material to be ground. The crushed material was preliminary grinding limestone. The material size was not more than 20 mm. Grinding occurred within 60 minutes. The grinding type was a dry grinding type. The crushed material samples weighing 25 grams have been selected from each chamber after 1 hour of the mill operation. After that, the selected samples have been sieved on […]
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A media mix is a combination of communication channels that a business uses to achieve marketing goals. The simultaneous use of various information platforms allows to effectively communicating with different audiences and at different stages of promoting a product and/or service. The right media mix will help optimize the company’s advertising budget increase the competitiveness and overall effectiveness of the advertising message. How to choose an effective media mix? The employees of ENERGOSTEEL Company received an answer to this question as part of the Marketing Committee meeting. ENERGOSTEEL Company thanks to the European Business Association for the excellent organization of the event and Alexey Filanovsky for an interesting presentation of information.
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More photos at photo gallery Energosteel Company took part in the largest exhibition of mining in the Middle East, North and East Africa – The MENA MiningShow 2019 in Dubai (UAE) On November 5 – 6, 2019. MENA MiningShow is the largest and most significant event for the global mining industry in the Middle East and Africa. Over 12 years, the event managed to establish itself as the most important platform for the presentation and exchange the latest technologies, equipment and services. About 2,000 guests take part in the event annually, including regional statesmen, leading mining companies, major traders, investors to build sustainable relations in the industry. It was important for us that the exhibition was visited by representatives of world companies – direct consumers of steel grinding balls. We had the pleasure of talking with senior executives by the largest mining corporations of the Middle East and the African continent, constantly use the grinding balls for ball mills in their production processes. For Energosteel Company, MENA MiningShow 2019 was an exceptional opportunity in holding 13 business meetings and visiting industrial sites of potential key customers in this region.
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Energosteel is one of the few companies in the grinding media market specializes exclusively in the production and sale of the steel grinding balls. We are sure that narrow specialization is the competitive advantage in this area. Thanks to our narrow specialization, all our forces aimed at improving the quality of our products, developing solutions to reduce the grinding balls consumption and building strong and transparent partnerships with all our customers. To prove the quality of our products, we are ready to provide our partners with additional services to help make a decision in choosing the necessary grinding media. So, for example, we are always ready to provide and send to the client’s address the necessary samples of grinding media. We guarantee subsequently delivered grinding balls will be completely identical in their physicochemical properties to samples sent earlier. At the client request, our certified testing laboratory can provide the following types of work: – The sites preparation for measuring the surface hardness of grinding balls; – The “templates” preparation for measuring hardness over the entire cross-section of the grinding ball and further calculating the volumetric hardness; It should be noted, the samples of our grinding balls have repeatedly been successfully […]
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More photos at photo gallery Delegation of Energosteel Company together with the official representative on the Turkish market – Proses Mühendislik Company took part in the 8th MINEX 2019 Fair in October 2019. This event held on the 23 – 26 October 2019 in Izmir (Turkey). The MINEX Izmir exhibition has strongly established itself as a reliable platform for all the largest participants in the mining industry. The MINEX 2019 Fair was attended by representatives of large mining companies, mineral processing companies, metallurgists and industry consultants from all around the world. Meetings with the largest grinding balls consumers in the region were held as part of Energosteel Company products presentation. Energosteel Company would like to express our sincere gratitude to our official representative on the Turkish market – the Proses Mühendislik Company for assistance in preparing and participation in the MINEX 2019 Fair. We sure this event will strengthen our partnership in the future.
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We have repeatedly mentioned the development strategy of our company aimed at expanding sales markets. ENERGOSTEEL Company managed to strengthen its position and stabilize the supply of our products in the Western Hemisphere. The steel grinding balls by ENERGOSTEEL production appeared in Central America in October 2019, where they successfully grinding ores in various mines of Honduras. This project was bright and fascinating, from the idea to its implementation. We have collided with various specific points and difficult questions on the way to achieving the goal. We have able to bring our plans to life thanks to a close-knit team of professionals of ENERGOSTEEL Company. We intend to increase the supply of steel grinding balls to consumers in this region and occupy our niche in two continents of the Western Hemisphere in the near future. A start has been made!
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In early October 2019, our company visited one of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula. Deliveries of the balls to this country began in 2008. Now, we are faced with the task of expanding the circle of customers and increasing sales. We are looking for new development opportunities in this market. To achieve this goal, representatives of Energosteel held some meetings with both trader organizations and end customers. We hope that the result of these meetings will be an increase in sales in 2020 to these countries.
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The company “Energosteel” is focused on building long-term and strong partnerships. We not only provide high-quality service, prompt response to inquiries, effective solution of various issues, but also hold personal meetings with partners at their production sites. This format allows our technicians to evaluate the produced grinding balls during operation, to evaluate the efficiency of the grinding process (correctly selected particle size distribution, load rate of ball mills, current load schedule, etc.). Therefore, in September 2019, as part of annual personal meetings, the technical specialists of Energosteel visited our partner, one of the largest mining and processing companies in Azerbaijan. The history of relationships with this client is quite eventful. The ore that is mined at this enterprise has some specific features – it is significantly harder than ordinary quartzite and very abrasive. To correctly select the parameters of grinding bodies (we are talking about balls with a diameter of 40 mm) for this particular case, we conducted several tests, the results of which clearly determined the chemical composition of the steel of grinding bodies and the necessary hardness parameters, which showed maximum efficiency in grinding in second stage. In the first grinding stage, SAG mills loaded with 120 and […]
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Everyone knows social networks today are a powerful tool for business development. But, despite all the known facts about successful Internet marketing, there are a number of features cannot be ignored and need special attention. So, ENERGOSTEEL Company representatives attended an interactive lecture by EBA – “How to Increase Efficiency of Your Social Media Marketing? Checklist and Cases” the 3-rd of October, 2019. Speaker Anton Voroniuk (Anton Voroniuk) has talked how to efficiently use Google Analitycs tools and other analytical services, how to work with a target audience, shared the “three pillars” of B2B marketing and showed a successful SMM strategy, based on implemented projects. ENERGOSTEEL Company is grateful EBA for the excellent organization of the event and Anton Voroniuk for an interesting presentation of information and answers to topical questions.
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We continue to inform our readers about the bulk weight measurement of steel grinding balls produced by LLC “Plant” ENERGOSTEEL” (Ukraine). We have reported earlier LLC “Plant” ENERGOSTEEL” has mastered the production of the 35mm steel grinding balls. Therefore, it became necessary to determine the bulk weight of these grinding balls. You can see the results of the bulk weight measuring in the table below. Please note, tabular data on this diameter are not available in the reference literature. Therefore, all work has been provided as accurate as possible. Table 1. The bulk weight of the 35mm steel grinding balls (no shaking) Parameter Container №1 Container volume, m3 1,11 Grinding media volume in container, m3 1,11 The container and grinding media weight (gross), t 6,045 The container weigh, t 0,790 The grinding media weight, t 5,255 The bulk weight, t/m3 4,777 This information has already been sent to our partners, who use the 35mm steel grinding balls by LLC “Plant” ENERGOSTEEL” production in their production.
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Any metallurgical production accompanied by industrial waste formation. The basic rule followed at any metallurgical enterprise is to reduce the industrial waste volume and to find a way to recycle it. Rolling production significantly less pollutes the air in comparison with other main metallurgical enterprises. The enterprises use various gas-cleaning and dust-collecting installations. The dedusting problem in rolling enterprises solved by the use of water dedusting provided by the nozzles with thin water spraying using, mechanical and pneumatic uniform irrigation the dust areas through the hole pipes and air separators. Industrial vacuum cleaners can be used to clean rolling mill waste (scale, dust). Much attention paid to protect the water basin from pollution by industrial effluents at metallurgical plants. The dozens of large circulating water supply cycles to metallurgical enterprises have been commissioned in recent years. Water polluted by scale and oil and the main and almost the only way for its preparation is removing mechanical impurities and oils. Cooling towers and process water pools use to cool equipment in the rolling department at the ENERGOSTEEL Plant, thus, no wastewater pollution occurs. The scale collects in tubs and takes out by specialized organizations for the scale disposal. The used linings, […]
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Employees of ENERGOSTEEL Company have attended the presentation of a joint project of the EBA Logistics Committee, JSC “Ukrzaliznytsya” and the Center for Transport Strategies on the topic “Customer Satisfaction Index (freight forwarders) with Ukrzaliznytsia Services”. The meeting presented plans and further steps to implement a customer survey regarding both freight and passenger traffic. The main requirements and conditions for the questionnaire have been stated by the chairman of the board of the UZ, Evgeny Kravtsov.
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Labor safety in the modern world, as never before, is relevant of great importance due to the intensive development of the manufacturing sector and the new activities emergence. It is difficult to imagine a successful enterprise in the market that would neglect the safety issues of employees. The modern metallurgical enterprise is equipped with a set of special technical means to ensure safe and healthy working conditions. The purpose of all technical means labor protection is to prevent exposure to dangerous and harmful production factors on humans. Employees’ safety depends on the equipment level of the production site and workplace with technical means of labor protection. The occurrence and manifestation of harmful and dangerous production factors depend on the specifics of technology the equipment used and labor processes. The production process of a metallurgical enterprise is characterized by the continuity or frequency of technological and labor operations and the operation of machinery and equipment. In such conditions, harmful and dangerous production factors arise constantly or periodically. Dangerous substances of ball-rolling production are oxygen and propane-butane, used during cutting the initial blanks, as well as for repair purposes. Forbidden to stand between the induction furnace and sorting table during the line […]
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Negotiation skills are one of the key factors for business success. What are the main concepts, styles and features of business negotiations? How to use them in practice and adapt to specific situations? At the open lecture “Successful negotiations in business” as part of the presentation of the Deloitte Academy program “Transition to C-Suite / Step to the top”, our employees have received answers to these questions, have discussed the reasons of difficult situations in negotiations, have learned the strategies and tactics needed for successful communication and have worked negotiation skills in business games. We thank speaker Vladislava Magaletskaya, director of the Deloitte Academy in Ukraine Ivan Kopman and the head of the Operations Issues Academy Mykola Rybchinsky for the excellent organization!
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Following the trends of the market for increasing the requirements for the grinding media quality, a lot of sale offers for the steel grinding balls with a fifth hardness group (DSTU 8538-2015 and GOST 7524-2015) have appeared on the Ukrainian market. It should be noted, most manufacturers have not mastered production the grinding balls with the fifth hardness group (DSTU 8538-2015 and GOST 7524-2015). That’s why there are very often the grinding balls with the fourth hardness group sold to a client as the grinding balls with the fifth hardness group, whose characteristics (especially surface hardness) slightly exceed of DSTU or GOST. This is easily achieved by violating the technology of quenching and tempering the finished products. Such grinding balls have high surface hardness, but toward to the centre, the hardness decreases exponentially. Such grinding balls are most prone to split, during working in a ball mill. We recommend the capabilities analysis of the new supplier before accepting the grinding balls purchase from him. This is easy to do without resorting to any significant costs. First of all, it is necessary to study the producer official website. As a rule, all manufacturers who cherish their reputation on the market post […]
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