More photos at photo gallery On September 9, 2019, ENERGOSTЕЕL Company representatives attended an EBA Autumn Networking Season meeting as part of the opening of a new business season. We had the opportunity to meet like-minded people, exchange contacts with potential partners. Also, together with charming Anastasia Vladychynska, we have discussed how to become a risk-free company for our customers, considered the concept of “zero risk” and determined its significance, considered effective tools for building a service system. ENERGOSTЕЕL Company thanks the European Business Association for the opportunity to be a participant of such events.
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In this article, we will compare the grinding efficiency during using the steel grinding balls and the cast iron cylpebs (alloyed by chromium). We have been published the articles on our website where we have proved the use of grinding balls for grinding material is much more effective than the use of cast iron cylpebs, by mathematical calculations basis. Also, we have repeatedly mentioned all leading Ukrainian mining and processing plants, aerated concrete and cement plants have refused to use the cylpebs. To make this decision, the country’s leading enterprises only took into account the mathematical calculations, but some of them need to conduct the comparative tests. ENERGOSTEEL Company conducted an industrial test for replacement the cast iron cylpebs (alloyed by chromium) by the steel grinding balls at one of the Ukrainian aerated concrete plants at the beginning of 2019. Methodology for conducting industrial tests had developed together with the customer’s technical specialists. The test has been conducted by the substitution method. We have calculated and proposed the 25mm – 40mm grinding balls assembly for the first loading of a ball mill. Further mill loading has provided once a week. The quantity of loaded grinding media has calculated after instrumental […]
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On August 28, our colleagues Alexandra Demskaya and Anastasia Kochetova attended an event organized by the European Business Association (EBA) EBA Women’s Club: Driving Changes. Speakers Inga Andreeva (General Director of Mastercard Europe SA), Kateryna Rozhkova (First Deputy Head of the National Bank of Ukraine) and Valeria Bondarenko (managing partner of Fondy) talked about women’s leadership, shared their personal experiences and talked about whether success can be achieved without gender stereotypes.
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The Hardness Tester verification interval is 1 year. How to check its testimony accuracy and be sure at measurement accuracy? There are special hardness measures – rectangular steel plates with specific reference hardness. The hardness measures set consist of five elements: 25 HRC ± 5 HRC ; 45 HRC ± 5 HRC ; 65 HRC ± 5 HRC ; 83 HRА ± 3 HRА ; 90 HRВ ± 10 HRВ. The hardness tester verification procedure compiled depending on the device operation and the number of measurements made. The verification principle consists of three measurements at each of the reference hardness measures. The first two measurements are not taken into account (they are preliminary and serve to press the indenter to the hardness measure surface), and the third measurement considered a true indication of the device. The hardness tester operates very intensively in our production: up to 500 hardness measurements perform per shift in the testing laboratory. Verification of the hardness measurements readings must be performed before the start of each shift, in such conditions. Only in this way can we be sure at 100% quality of our products – the steel grinding balls!
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Back in 1990, the first version of the GOST 2590-71 standard was reissued into the identical Interstate standard – GOST 2590-88 “Hot-rolled round steel. Assortment » The UkrNIIMet Research Institute of the UKRAINIAN RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF METALLURGY INDUSTRY «ENERGOSTAL» revised this standard in 2006. Thus, the new version of GOST 2590-2006 “Hot-rolled round steel. Assortment.” has released. GOST 2590-2006 was transformed into DSTU 4738: 2007 “Hot-rolled steel sections. Assortment.” by Decree No. 40 of February 26, 2007, on the approval of national standards of Ukraine. The standard GOST 2590-2006 / DSTU 4738: 2007 regulates the uniform requirements for the 5 mm to 270 mm hot-rolled steel rolled products with a circular cross-section in all areas of industry. The regulatory document gives the classification, basic parameters and dimensions of the rolled steel hot-rolled round. According to GOST 2590-2006 / DSTU 4738: 2007, rolled products are classified to rolling accuracy, length and curvature, the requirements for rental ovality and deviations to the length. The rods nominal diameters and tolerances to them, the cross-sectional area and the weight of one meter the round billet also indicated in GOST 2590-2006 / DSTU 4738: 2007. GOST 2590-2006 / DSTU 4738: 2007 is one […]
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It will be 3 years in August 2019 from the moment of our first article in the “News” section at the corporate website. During this time, we have published 141 articles where we shared the latest company news, our successes and achievements, useful information about steel grinding balls, talked about conducted industrial tests, showed the grinding balls hardness measurement, trying to be most useful to you. The most popular articles were about: The system of a ball mill The operating principle of the ball mill Ukrainian mining & processing enterprises In general, the number of visits to our website increased by 277%, and the number of users – by 273% over 3 years. Thank you for your trust. We are very pleased to see such a response from your side. The ENERGOSTEEL company aim not only at specializing in the steel grinding balls production and product quality improvement but also to be an expert in own industry and provide top-level service for you, dear customers!
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What network do you live in? Do you live at Facebook? Maybe your day begins with an Instagram feed? The ENERGOSTEEL Company represented in all popular social networks. Subscribe to us to keep abreast of current company news, useful information about steel grinding balls, as well as to see what we do outside of work. Welcome to our: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Youtube
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Energosteel always keeps abreast of changes in Ukrainian legislation: our employees attended a meeting organized by the European Business Association, “Inspection visits to the Labor Court are outlawed, and other changes in labor legislation.” Thanks to the speakers Savchuk Valeriya and Melnyk Olexander for the interesting presentation and answering current questions.
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Albert Einstein once said: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Can these words be applied to the company’s life? Absolutely! Every organization needs to develop continuously in order to keep a “balance” on the market. One of the main factors of the company’s continuous development is the markets expansion. The expansion of sales geography is the main indicator of growth and development of “Energosteel”. Mastering new horizons, we are showing business activity, a high level of management and European product quality. The decision to expand sales markets is preceded by a marketing research of a potential market in which the company plans to enter. Thus, we analyzed the potential North America grinding media market. The North American market is the most desirable for any entrepreneur and manufacturer, and the steel grinding balls market is no exception. The volume of the North American grinding media market, including cylpebs, is more than 700 thousand tons per year (14% of the world market). Steel grinding balls account for 550 thousand tons of them (approximately 80% of the North American grinding media market). The demand for grinding media is increasing every year, because in this continent […]
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Reducing the cost of consumables is very important for all mining operations and the finished products production. Cost reduction should not lead to decreased quality of the produced product. Material grinding is one of the most important processes affect the total amount of costs in the minerals extraction and any product production. In some industries, grinding costs account for more than 10% of the company’s total operating costs (OPEX). In most cases, steel grinding balls used as grinding media in grinding material. The selection the most efficient grinding media is considered a key step in reducing the grinding process cost. Grinding processes are energy-intensive and inefficient in most cases. Some studies in this area show that 1% of global energy consumption is spent on grinding material. Therefore, it is very important to maximize the efficiency of the grinding process. All costs for grinding can be divided into four main groups: electricity costs; the cost for grinding media purchase ; the cost for acquiring the lining to the mill’ inner drum; labor and other expenses. For your attention is the above diagram clearly demonstrates each cost group consumed in the grinding process. In some industries, the cost for grinding media purchase […]
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More photos at photo gallery The sales department is the heart of every company. The main task of the head the sales department is to make this heart worked like clockwork. How to increase the morale of sales managers, how to create the right microclimate in the team to sales growth, how to pick up specialists, how to motivate the staff – all these issues and many other has at the Conference “B2B Master. Top 20 practices of leadership in sales and management “. Thanks to the speakers for interesting topics, good mood, a lot of practical advice.
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More photos at photo gallery As part of familiarization with the leading enterprises of the region, the head of the Zmiievsky District Administration, Vitaly Anatolyevich Koshelenko visited the ENERGOSTEEL plant the 4-th July 2019. The meeting was interesting and informative. The head of the District Administration has been impressed by our production area and has noted “It’s nice to be at factories that produce their own product: they have good prospects. The better for us when if such enterprises will be more in Ukraine.”
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In today’s dynamic world, the company’s reputation and recognition play a key role in attracting and retaining talent. A systematic approach to branding allows you to work with the best and create ambassadors from among the company’s employees. How to build a strong employer brand? What is EVP (Employee Value Proposition) and is it necessary to measure eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score)? What actions to take when staff engagement falls? How to establish communication channels? Our HR-manager Kochetova Anastasia received the answers to these questions on June 20 at the event “Engage and Win: in the Wake of World Employer Branding Day 2019 in Lisbon.” Speakers Olga Uzlova (consultant of Jansen Capital Management), Maria Panchenko (HRD of the company Novaya Pochta) told about trends and practical cases of Mars, Facebook, Netflix, LinkedIn, Accenture, Branded.Careers companies; Natalya Khvostova (HRD of the Kernel company) shared practical experience in building the company’s brand in Ukrainian realities. Thanks to the European Business Association (EBA) and Jansen Capital Management for the excellent organization and the opportunity to discuss the best world practices!
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One of the competitive advantages of ENERGOSTEEL Сompany is constantly consulting with specialized research institutes in our business activities. The topics of consultation are quite diverse: starting from the issues of the grinding media use in the grinding process to the introduction of new technologies in the grinding ball production. In 2019, we conducted a joint work with one of the Kyiv Institutes under the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This institute specializes in technical thermal physics. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the hardening cooling process in the steel grinding balls production: the grinding balls initial temperature, the cooling medium composition, the water temperature and its mixing intensity, the method of controlling the cooling time and determining the quenching end in water emulsion and switching to self-tempering mode. Upon the work done completion, there were been selected several variants the cooling media, which should improve the grinding balls hardenability, produced by experimental steel grades. The check laboratory research results in industrial production conditions scheduled in the near future. Follow our publications.
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High-grade text on the company’s website is its “business card”. But not always such content is effective. How to increase the effectiveness of texts? Is it possible to create a positive impression about the company with the help of content? Responses to those and other enquiries were provided by Denis Kaplunov to Energosteel staff at open lecture: How to Write Effective Texts. This event was organized by the EBA Management Development Center team together with Denys Kaplunov Studio. Denis Kaplunov is one of the most famous and great copywriters. He shared his long-term experience in sphere of copywriting and useful tips regarding writing high-grade and effective texts. Energostil thanks the European Business Association for the opportunity to be a participant in such events and for its continuous comprehensive development.
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To date, there is no business that would not apply cold sales in its activities. But this method of selling goods and services is not always successful due to strong market competition. How to highlight the strengths of the seller and the company he represents? How to distinguish your company in the buyer’s subconscious against the backdrop of many competitors? The sales staff of “Energosteel” received answers to these questions and learned a lot of the subtleties of the cold sales technique in an open lecture: Cold B2B Sales, organized by the European Business Association (EBA) together with Sales Generation. The lecture speaker was Mikhail Gaichuk – founder of Sales Generation, author of techniques “The fear dismissal of the cold calls”, “The scale of the best seller”, “10 passports to success in building the cold sales department”, “6 rules of the cold entrance via social networks”. Mikhail shared his personal experience with the audience, spoke about the scale of the cool seller and its components, revealed the main points of success in cold sales, including through social networks. “Energosteel” thanks the European Business Association for long-term cooperation and organization of educational lectures, which open up many opportunities for the development […]
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We have repeatedly noted the fact that the company Energosteel constantly conducts comprehensive measures to improve the quality characteristics of the products produced. In this regard, we constantly offer our customers the industrial testing based on their production. As a rule, these are industrial tests that are carried out in ball mills on the production base of our partners. Thus, we are conducting four full-scale experiments currently. In the near future two more tests will start, supplies of grinding media for which have already been carried out. We would like to note that we are constantly in contact with the technical specialists of our partners in order to get feedback on the quality of our products. During the experiments, in addition to telephone contact, our specialists visit the client, jointly conduct a visual inspection of the grinding media state, carry out instrumental measurements to determine the specific consumption of the tested balls. Over the past five months of 2019, we are faced with a situation where the grinding balls in the mill (when stopped) aren’t set right in terms of the grinding process effectiveness. Let’s look at this question in more detail. Thus, to obtain high-quality grinding, the ball in […]
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“Energosteell” staff visited Personalities: Dmitry Shimkiv, organized by the European Business Association (EBA). Dmytro Shymkiv – entrepreneur and top manager of information technology with 20 years of experience, head of the board of PJSC “Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa”, ex-deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, ex-CEO of “Microsoft Ukraine”. Talked about surviving the Antarctic, successful experience of managing large companies, motivation and life principles. “Energostil” thanks the organizers for an interesting and informative meeting. Such events are very valuable for us with regard to sharing unique experiences, motivating and expanding horizons.
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“Energosteel” regularly conducts quality management audits in order to maintain the effective functioning of the quality management system. Thus, in April 2019 the testing laboratory of LLC “Plant “Energosteel” successfully passed the regular certification for the measurement system’s compliance with the requirements of DSTU ISO10012:2005 “Measurement management systems. Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment”. The audit was carried out by the “Kharkiv Regional Scientific and Production Center of Standardization, Metrology and Certification”, State-Owned Enterprise. According to the results of the audit, experts made recommendations for the improving the measurement system and issued a certificate No. 01-0043 / 2019 of the measurement system compliance with the requirements of State Standard ISO10012: 2005. The recommendations of the experts were to control the actual conditions (the temperature and humidity) during hardness, impact resistance and geometric dimensions measurements at all workplaces where these measurements are taken (not only the laboratory premises, but also the production workshops, warehouses of the raw materials and finished products) using a special device – hygrometer SNDWAY SW-572. We took into account and implemented in the work the recommendations of the experts. We purchased this device to control and record in protocols and conclusions of temperature and humidity. The […]
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