The Energosteel Company mastered the new diameter of grinding balls in June 2018. An experimental batch the 110 mm grinding balls has produced for the first time and it has launched into production from the first billet with a minimum stand settings. This batch has showed a high hardness values, the 56-62 HRC surface hardness of , and the 45,3-48,7HRC volumetric hardness and corresponds to the 4 hardness group (according to DSTU 3499-97) and the 5th hardness group (according to the new state standard for steel grinding balls DSTU 8538 : 2015). Grinding balls have been successfully tested for the impact resistance. 110 grinding balls have been selected from a batch for the experiment. Each selected ball sustained the total impact energy of 168437 J without destruction.
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Energosteel Company continues to expand new sales markets. Thus, the steel grinding balls by Energosteel production were delivered to one of the West Africa countries in the first quarter of 2018 for the first time. As is known, the West Africa countries have a huge natural resources reserves and mining industry is one of the main branches at region.West Africa countries produce gold, manganese, bauxite, diamonds; and also – kaolin (white clay), siliceous sand and mica. A rather complicated task has faced for our production department – to produce the 25-125mm steel grinding balls with hardness not less than 50 HRC in the center of the balls. None of grinding media producer at the CIS countries has taken to implement this kind of balls, because the requirements for grinding balls are higher at several times than requirements for grinding balls the 3rd or 4th hardness group according to DSTU 8538:2015 and GOST 7524-2015. Also, certain difficulties caused the delivery conditions of grinding balls, namely – a large volume shipment by sea containers. The equipment of our plant and the developed technologies for grinding media production have made possible to produce grinding balls with a quality completely corresponding to the consumer […]
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ENERGOSTEEL Company representative has been invited as participant of business breakfast organized by the Prozorro team, as the main manufacturer and supplier of ball-rolling products in Ukraine and beyond its borders. The general director of “Prozorro” Vasily Zadvorny, Deputy Director of the Public Procurement Regulation Department of the Economic Development Ministry Natalia Shimko and other representatives of public authority, industry and trade as main users of the electronic trading platform have been participation in the business breakfast. Issues related to the process of participation in tenders, as well as issues involving participation in public procurement and ways to resolve them discussed on the meeting. The meeting participants discussed about 30 blocks of the procurement process with electronic platform “Prozorro” using, сonsidered the problems faced by suppliers and buyers during government procurement (documents for participation in tenders, unscrupulous competitors identification and ways to protect against them), and most “loud” and large tenders conducted at the “Prozorro” platform. The main “highlight” of the meeting was discussion the draft law “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On public procurement ” and some other legislative acts of Ukraine”” (hereinafter – the “Draft”). The project was registered in the Verkhovna Rada at 13.04.2018 and […]
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As we informed you earlier, the steel grinding balls produced by Energosteel Company can be used as grinding media in ball mills, regardless of the armor plates material (steel or rubber). Technical specialists of Energosteel Company constantly contact with customers, in order to obtain feedback on the grinding balls quality, information about our customers’ plans for changing the grinding process parameters. We have found out, one our partner, who has been cooperating with us for more than five years and use 30-40 mm steel grinding balls the fourth hardness group, decided to change the steel armor plate for rubber armor plate in the beginning of 2018. The client has changed armor plate type. He has previously used the armor plates with lifters and he has changed it to the “wave” armor plates type. This armor plate type will ensure the transition from a mixed motion mode of grinding balls to a cascade motion mode. We have provided all information confirms the rubber armor plates use doesn’t affect to the Energosteel steel grinding balls work quality in any way. Energosteel Company specialists have announced benefits the client will receive during use this armor plate type: reduction of the grinding media specific […]
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We have noted in an earlier published article, one of our client has decided to change the grinding balls diameter use by them own initiative. The 90mm grinding balls by Energosteel production have used for material grinding at client’s enterprise. The reason for diameter change was client’s desire try to increase the mill’s productivity by grinding balls mass increasing in the mill and maintaining the previous volume the mill filling (recall, one cubic meter of the 90 mm grinding balls weighs less than one cubic meter of the 80mm grinding balls). The customer’s specialists have consulted with the technical support department of Energosteel Company about conditions for such tests providing before them beginning. The specialists decided the best way for the tests conduction is test providing “from scratch”, i.e. make a complete steel grinding balls unloading from the mill and fill it with a trial lot. New 60mm and 80mm grinding balls (30 tons of each diameter), as well as the 50-80mm grinding balls unloaded from the mill (35 tons) have used as a loaded grinding mixture. The grinding balls with a diameter less than 50 mm are waste and have not loaded into mill, because grinding balls operate in […]
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More photos at photo gallery We will inform our readers about an industrial experiment of comparison the specific consumption 40 mm steel grinding balls the fourth and fifth hardness groups (DSTU 8538-2015) in this publication. The test has provided by the substitution method. I.e. the mill with grinding balls the fourth hardness group will be load by the grinding balls the fifth hardness group. Customer has used the 40 mm steel grinding balls the fourth hardness group produced by Energosteel Company in material grinding for several years. The mill with grinding media has the 62-63 tons grinding media loading rate. The loading will be providing by 1 ton of grinding media per day, according to the technical negotiations results. A replacement period has been calculated by taking into account the loading rate, the grinding balls quantity in the mill and the hardness difference of compared grinding media. A replacement period will be three months. Industrial test began the 01.12.2017. The mill stopped in mid-March. Instrumental measurement the mill filling degree by grinding media has conducted. Samples have taken for determination the grinding balls average diameter in the mill. The mill operation technological parameters have analyzed for the given period. Approximately […]
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This article about industrial test №1.Replacement the 28x28mm cast iron cylpebs (surface hardness 44-47HRC) to the 40mm steel grinding balls with the fourth hardness group (surface hardness no less 61HRC). It should be noted, our client specializes in the aerated concrete blocks production. The first mill commission inspection was in early February 2018. Method without unloading grinding balls from the mill had used for grinding media average size determination in the test mill. We have made the geometrical dimensions measurements of the selected samples; we have determined the grinding media maximum and minimum dimensions. We have found the grinding balls average size is 37 mm in the mill. The cylpebs size varies from 15mm to 18mm in the mill. The steel grinding balls loading quantity was the same as the previously loaded cylpebs quantity (approximately 1 ton per day, with the continuously mill operation). 15 tons of the 40 mm steel grinding balls have been loaded into the mill since industrial test start. 15 tons – 43% of the mill load norm by grinding media. The 35 tons of grinding media is total mill loads. The mill electricity data consumption show the grinding media weight in mill has been above […]
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2018 year has begun for Energosteel company specialists by three full-scale industrial tests. Each test should solve a specific task for each client: Industrial test № 1 – the grinding process technological parameters comparison during use cast iron cylpebs and steel grinding balls as a grinding media Industrial test №2 – the comparison of specific consumption the steel grinding balls the fourth and fifth hardness groups (DSTU 8538-2015) produced by Energosteel; Industrial test № 3 – the grinding process technological parameters comparison during use the 80mm and 90mm steel grinding balls as a grinding media; All tests conduct at three different enterprises in Ukraine. The technical and economic negotiations have been held with each client before the tests began. Representatives of technical and commercial services participated in the negotiations. All technical and technological indicators for evaluation at tests have been identified and agreed upon. Energosteel Company specialists began to travel on business trips, visit the partners production capacities, conduct joint measurements, consolidate information about tested grinding media work and a grinding process technological parameters, determinate the occurred changes in the middle of February 2018. We will inform you about the progress of each test in our further articles. We hope […]
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Energosteel Company is Ukrainian manufacturer of forged steel grinding balls. Our products are designed for grinding of raw materials at ore mining and industrial processing facilities, energy generating companies, cement plants. Capacity of Energosteel Company is 60 000 tons of steel grinding balls per year. We are produce grinding balls with a diameter by 20mm to 125mm with high carbon content and the volumetric hardness from 60 to 65 HRC. 2017 year was not easy for the country’s metallurgical industry. Against the background of an annual reduction in steel, rolled metal and cast iron production, Energosteel Company has improved indicators of 2016. Thus, the grinding balls production increased by 11% in 2017, compared to 2016. Exports increased by 13% and amounted 32% of the sales in 2017. This became possible due to increased consumption in the CIS, the Scandinavian, the Middle East countries and the Baltic States. The customers number has increased by 2,5%. The production of grinding balls the fifth hardness group significantly increased on 31% in 2017. In general, the production of grinding balls the 5th hardness group amounted to 20% of the annual production volume. Let’s remind, Energosteel Company is the unique enterprise mastered the production of […]
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We have considered the steel grinding balls surface hardness measurement and the steel grinding balls hardness measurement at 1/2 radius depth in previous articles. We will consider the steel grinding balls volumetric hardness measurement in this article. The grinding balls volumetric hardness provides to confirm their compliance to the fifth hardness group. The volumetric hardness determines in two mutually perpendicular directions on the templates cut from the central part of the grinding ball. Their surface prepared in accordance with the requirements GOST 9012 and GOST 9013. It is necessary remove metal to the R distance from one side of grinding ball and to 1/2R distance from the other side in order to the sample stably stood on hardness tester table. The measurement points must be drawn with a pencil. We draw two mutually perpendicular straight lines for this, then each radius we halved and the rest radius parts we halved also. As a result, we obtain 6 measurement points on each straight line. They correspond to 0,25R; 0,5R; 0,75R and one common point R (the grinding ball center). We get 4 values on each part of the radius, except the center. The minimum and maximum values of the obtained hardness […]
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We have considered the steel grinding balls surface hardness measurement in the last article. Remind, we have conducted 4 hardness measurements during the hardness determination: three test measurements on vertices the imaginary equilateral triangle and one control measurement in the center of this triangle. We will considered the steel grinding balls hardness measurements at 1/2 radius depth in this article. This measurement conduct for confirmation grinding balls to the 4th hardness group (DSTU 8538:2015). The steel grinding balls hardness at 1/2 radius depth determines on one flat surface area prepared in accordance to GOST 9012 and GOST 9013 requirements by removing the ball metal to the required depth. It is necessary remove metal to 1/2 radius distance at each side of the grinding ball, in order to the sample stably stood on hardness tester table. At 1/2 radius distance performs four hardness measurements on two mutually perpendicular lines drawn with a pencil, the measurement points should correspond to 1/2 radius of the grinding ball. The minimum and the maximum hardness values ignore, and the hardness defined as arithmetic average value of the other two dimensions
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The grinding balls surface hardness defines on two diametrically opposite platforms. Four measurements perform at each platform for the hardness determination by Rockwell method. The first three measurements perform at the vertices of imaginary equilateral triangle with a side length from 5 to 8 mm. These measurements are tentative and the results don’t record in test report. The fourth measurement performs in the center of the triangle. This measurement’s result records in test report. You can previously draw points in the measurement locations for easy measurements. Three dots draw in form of triangle vertices and a fourth dot draws in form of center this triangle. Four measurements must be providing according to Rockwell hardness measurement method (GOST 9013): The first three measurements are not counted after the change of the tip, the working table or stand. The prints number in the hardness measurement; the processing method and the measurements results indicate in the normative-technical documentation for metal products. This measurement technique indicates in the DSTU in order to press the tip against to the grinding ball surface in these three measurements and obtain a fourth measurement with a minimum error. The device dial have several scales: Scale C – a […]
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The grinding balls samples should be prepared such way, that their properties will not changed as a result of mechanical or other processing. The grinding on a surface grinding machine is the best way to prepare the grinding balls surface for hardness measures. A special matrix has created for steel grinding balls. From 2 to 5 grinding balls placed in matrix and simultaneous polish them. The grinding balls placed in the matrix and fixed there to avoid the area skewing under hardness measurement. Surface grinding (surface polishing) includes the following movements: the cutting tool rotation – a grinding wheel PP 25A 250х40х76 25СМ, the grinding balls feeding by longitudinal and cross way, the grinding balls movement toward cutting grinding wheel. Coolant supplies to the contact point of grinding balls and grinding wheel during surface grinding. Coolant helps to avoid the surface overheating and the hardness measurement results distortion.
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Energosteel Company continues inform y about measuring the bulk weight of steel grinding balls produced by Energosteel. Weighing 90 mm balls have held in a container with a correct geometric shape – a parallelepiped with sides 118х118х110cm. The container volume is 1.53 cubic meters. The measurements results have shown in the table below. Table 1. The 90mm grinding balls bulk weight. (without shaking up) Parameter Container №1 Container volume, m3 1,531 Grinding media volume in container, m3 1,322 The container and grinding media weight (gross), t 6,860 The container weigh, t 0,880 The grinding media weight, t 5,980 The bulk weight, t/m3 4,600 The 90mm grinding ball bulk weight is 4,58 t/m3 in reference specialized literature. You can see the bulk weight parameters of 40mm, 50mm, 80mm, 90mm, 100mm and 120mm grinding balls in our articles. In the near future, we will provide you about the bulk weight measurements of grinding balls produced by Energosteel.
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Energosteel Company uses the “individual approach” principle in commercial and technical fields as main factor in building partnerships with customers. Energosteel Company takes into account the specifics of using grinding balls in the grinding process of each customer, regardless the consumption volume and activity type. Let’s take a look at some examples, when Energosteel helps customers in resolving issues related to the grinding media selection and use. One Ukrainian enterprise produces a technical steel shot. The final processing (crushing) carried out in ball mills. The customer uses 100mm grinding balls in production. The cast steel shot hardness is from 60HRC to 64HRC. The first shipped party of grinding media carried out according to the customer’s requirements for this product – a 100mm steel grinding balls with a surface hardness – 60HRC, the 0,5R hardness – 45HRC and produced by manganese steel grades. The client has noted after a certain period, the grinding media consumption and the grinding quality have not significantly increase and productivity decreased. Energosteel Company technical specialists arrived at client’s production plant, studied the steel shot production technology specifics, and analyzed other technical processes. Our specialists determined that mills have used as crushing equipment. The grinding process was […]
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Energosteel Company continues series of articles for inform our readers about measuring the bulk weight of steel grinding balls produced by Energosteel. A batch of 120mm steel grinding balls was produced in November. This is the maximum grinding balls diameter used in Ukraine. Grinding balls this batch corresponds to the fourth hardness group (DSTU 8538: 2015 / DSTU 3499-97). The measurements results have shown in the table below. Table 1. The 40mm grinding balls bulk weight. (without shaking up) Parameter Container №1 Container volume, m3 1,531 Grinding media volume in container, m3 1,471 The container and grinding media weight (gross), t 7,475 The container weigh, t 0,880 The grinding media weight, t 6,595 The bulk weight, t/m3 4,486 The 120mm grinding ball bulk weight is 4,52 t/m3 in reference specialized literature. Let’s summarize our articles series where we have reflected measurements results the bulk weight of steel grinding balls produced by Energosteel. You can see the bulk weight parameters of 40mm, 50mm, 80mm, 100mm and 120mm grinding balls in our articles. In the near future, we will conduct similar measurements on the 30mm and 60mm grinding balls. We hope, the obtained information will be useful for our readers. Upon completion the articles series […]
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Energosteel Company specialists continue to inform our readers about measuring the bulk weight of steel grinding balls produced by Energosteel. Recall, our production department has been equipped with two containers in order to measure the bulk weight of grinding balls. Both containers (tubs) have the correct geometric shape – a parallelepiped with sides 118х118х110cm. The each container volume is 1.53 cubic meters. A batch of 50mm steel grinding balls the fifth hardness group (DSTU 8538: 2015 / DSTU 3499-97) was produced in September. The measurements results have shown in the table below. Table 1. The 40mm grinding balls bulk weight. (without shaking up) Parameter Container №1 Container volume, m3 1,531 Grinding media volume in container, m3 1,005 The container and grinding media weight (gross), t 7,975 The container weigh, t 0,880 The grinding media weight, t 7,175 The bulk weight, t/m3 4,710 The 50mm grinding ball bulk weight is 4,70 t/m3 in reference specialized literature. So, you can read in our publications about bulk weight of 40mm, 50mm, 80mm and 100mm steel grinding balls Energosteel production. Energosteel Company will continue to inform you about calculation results the bulk weight of steel grinding balls with different diameters manufactured by our company.
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More photos at photo gallery Delegation of Energosteel Company together with official representative on the Turkish market – Proses Mühendislik Company took part the MINEX 2017 Fair in October 2017. This event held on the 18 – 21 October 2017 in Izmir (Turkey) together with the 6th International Congress of Mining Machinery and Technologies (IMMAT). Many Turkish and international companies participated in the congress and exhibition, organized by the Chamber of Mining Engineers of Turkey. Over 100 enterprises specialized in equipment production for the mining industry participated in the MINEX 2017 Fair. Organizations providing the integrated engineering solutions in the planning, reconstruction and modernization mining technology and minerals enrichment processes have visited exhibition. The MINEX 2017 Fair attended more than 5000 visitors from 27 countries. Meetings with the largest grinding balls consumers in the region were held as part of Energosteel Company products presentation. Technical and economic negotiations with ball mills producers were conducted too. It allowed us to formulate a strategy aimed at increasing Energosteel products sales in this region. Energosteel Company would like to express our sincere gratitude to our official representative on the Turkish market – the Proses Mühendislik Company for assistance in preparing and participation in […]
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